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ANALYSIS: Extreme weather events highlight the suffering of Latino communities in the US

On other occasions, Latino Observatory has addressed the issue of the impact of natural disasters on Latino communities. Back in February 2022, we discussed how climate change affects minorities, who are more likely to live in risk areas and have fewer resources to deal with the crisis. Later, in September 2022, we pointed out that an unprecedented study demonstrated that Latinos were impacted by Hurricane Harvey in an u...

Os eventos climáticos extremos evidenciam o sofrimento de comunidades latinas nos EUA


Em reunião com a Univision, Kamala Harris reitera apoio aos

In a meeting with Univision, Kamala Harris reiterates support for the "Dreamers" while courting Latino voters

16/10/2024 22:22 | Editores

Vice President Kamala Harris recently participated (10) in a meeting with Univision, where she answered questions about immigration, the economy and health, topics considered crucial for the Latino community...

Estudo indica que a retórica anti-imigração resulta em vulnerabilidade eleitoral

A Study Indicates Anti-Immigration Rhetoric Results in Electoral Vulnerability

16/10/2024 22:18 | Editores

A detailed analysis on the impact of anti-immigration rhetoric on the 2022 midterm elections in the United States has been published, focusing on candidates who have adopted this stance in their campaign...

Salas de aula nos EUA são remodeladas pelas chegadas recordes de migrantes

U.S. classrooms are reshaped by record migrant arrivals

16/10/2024 21:57 | Editores

A Reuters publication  addresses the challenges faced by U.S. public schools with the increase in immigrant children, especially Haitians, and its consequences for teachers, students and local communiti...

Latinos da Pensilvânia podem determinar quem vencerá a eleição presidencial

Pennsylvania Latinos Could Determine Who Wins the Presidential Election

07/10/2024 11:29 | Editores

Often ignored in national politics, the growing Latino population of the state of Pennsylvania is currently highlighted for its potential role in the presidential election between Kamala Harris and Donald Tr...

A Casa Branca informa os novos anúncios da Quarta Reunião Ministerial sobre a Declaração de Los Angeles sobre Migração e Proteção

White House Reports New Announcements from Fourth Ministerial on Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection

07/10/2024 11:15 | Editores

The Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection, launched in 2022 under the leadership of President Joe Biden, aims to address the challenges of irregular migration and forced displacement in the Wes...

Apesar da retórica diferente, democratas e republicanos agora têm uma abordagem semelhante à fronteira

Despite the different rhetoric, Democrats and Republicans now have a similar approach to the border

07/10/2024 11:06 | Editores

An article published by the Migration PolicyInstitute addresses the significant shift in the Democratic Party's approach to immigration and U.S.-Mexico border security, highlighted during the 2024 Democratic ...


Mais mulheres negras e latinas estão liderando sindicatos nos EUA

More Black and Latina Women Are Leading Unions in the U.S.

16/10/2024 21:42 | Editores

An article in the Associated Press addresses the evolution and challenges of female participation, especially of black and Latino women, in the US union movement. Although women make up about half of union memb...

Novo projeto de lei da Califórnia permite análise detalhada dos dados de saúde de latinos e indígenas do estado

New California Bill Allows for Detailed Analysis of the State's Latino and Indigenous Health Data

16/10/2024 21:35 | Editores

Passage of landmark legislation in California, the Latino and Indigenous Disparities Reduction Act (SB 1016), was signed by Governor Gavin Newsom, with the goal of reducing health disparities between Latinos and Me...

Série documental de John Leguizamo investiga a história não contada dos latinos

John Leguizamo's documentary series delves into the untold history of Latinos

07/10/2024 10:32 | Editores

John Leguizamo's documentary series, called "American Historia: The Untold Story of Latinos”, explores Latino history in the United States and Latin America, seeking to reverse the "erasure" of Latino contribution...

Celebridades nos EUA lideram campanha para estimular o voto latino

U.S. celebrities lead campaign to encourage Latino voting

07/10/2024 10:18 | Editores

A new initiative of the "Latino Vote Foundation", entitled "Vota Con Ganas", was launched with an investment of US$ 5 million to encourage the participation of the Latino community in the upcoming elections. The ca...

Pesquisa aponta que quase 4 em cada 10 imigrantes dizem que a retórica de Trump os prejudicou

Nearly 4 in 10 immigrants say Trump's rhetoric has hurt them

01/10/2024 17:11 | Editores

A prominent theme that resurfaces in the context of the United States presidential elections is the influence of disinformation on Donald Trump's presidential campaigns, especially the 2024 election cycle.The spread...

Pesquisa revela que a maioria dos hispano-americanos apoia o acesso ao aborto

Poll Reveals Majority of Hispanic Americans Support Access to Abortion

01/10/2024 17:01 | Editores

A recent poll conducted by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research reveals the complexity of Hispanic Americans' views on important issues such as abortion, immigration, and the 2024 presid...




07/05/2023 10:23 | Beatriz Zanin de Moraes

Last Wednesday (26), students from the International Relations course at UNESP in Marília and the Facultad de Contaduría y Administración at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) held an online me...


Seciah Aquino

Seciah Aquino

16/10/2024 21:49 | Editores

Dr. Seciah Aquino serves as Executive Director for the Latino Coalition for a Healthy California (LCHC) — the State’s leading policy organization advocating for health equity in the Latinx community. In her rol...

Wilmer Valderrama

Wilmer Valderrama

07/10/2024 10:40 | Editores

Wilmer Valderrama (born January 30, 1980) is an American actor, best known for his role as Fez on the television series That '70s Show. Valderrama has also appeared in productions such as From Dusk Till Dawn: The S...

Bernie Moreno

Bernie Moreno

01/10/2024 18:20 | Editores

Bernardo Moreno is a businessman and politician born in Bogotá, Colombia, in 1967, and currently the Republican candidate for the United States Senate from Ohio in the 2024 election. Moreno emigrated with his fami...

Julia Alvarez

Julia Alvarez

24/09/2024 16:13 | Editores

Julia Alvarez is a Dominican-American author widely recognized for her contributions to contemporary literature, both in novels and in poetry and essays. Her books, such as How the García Girls Lost Their Accents ...

Jorge Ramos

Jorge Ramos

16/09/2024 14:59 | Editores

Jorge Ramos, a former top news anchor for media giant Univision, is leaving the network after nearly 40 years in the anchor chair. He is known for tough interviews that helped push issues of interest to Latin Ameri...

Prisca Mojica Rodríguez

Prisca Mojica Rodríguez

12/09/2024 17:13 | Editores

Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodríguez has a rich trajectory and contributions as a feminist, theologian, storyteller, and activist. Born in Managua, Nicaragua, and currently residing in Nashville, Tennessee, Mojica Rodr...

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