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Pro-Latino organizations urge Democrats not to spare efforts to gain political support in Florida

Editores | 22/02/2022 09:02 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY

In the state with the third-largest Latino population in the United States, Florida, the Democratic Party has suffered a series of crucial political losses in the last three elections, which has given it the status of “the largest swinging state in the country”. With the party's shocking defeats in the 2020 elections, it is on the agenda and in discussions among party officials how much time and money should or should not be spent in Florida.

In this context, the progressive group Latino Victory Fund, which describes itself as “an organization dedicated to building political power in the Latino community so that the voices and values of Latinos are reflected at every level of government and in the policies that drive our country forward”, expanded its efforts to ensure that the state of Florida still has political importance to Democrats. In this way, he went on to support candidates in the state's two primaries in the form of massive investments in ads, events, and fundraising campaigns.

In early February, the organization announced its endorsement of the candidacies of Annette Taddeo for the state government, and of Maxwell Frost, who will run for a seat in Congress. According to the publication of “Politico”  “the endorsements are designed to send a larger message to the party: Show up for Florida or Democrats risk losing ground with Hispanic voters”.

Another non-profit organization, the “Building Back Together”, whose mission is to “build winning coalitions in advancing the Biden-Harris administration’s Build Back Better policy agenda”, also announced measures focused on gaining support for the Democrats in Florida, mainly from the Latino electorate. The group's efforts focus on running ads in English and Spanish, in addition to investing millions of dollars in advertising campaigns, according to the publication.

Although Joe Biden won the most votes from Florida's Latinos, in 2020 he lost votes for Donald Trump by more than three percentage points. Late last year, for the first time in the state's political history, Republicans officially surpassed Democrats in the number of registered voters.

Discussions seem to focus on the importance or not of this state in the Democrats' national political strategy. A major concern of these organizations is with the sponsors of political campaigns across the country, who assess whether strategic investment should focus on states more competitive than Florida, such as Wisconsin or Arizona. 

With that in mind, Nathalie Rayes, president and CEO of the “Latino Victory Fund”, has told according to “Politico”: “We’ve invested too much time, energy, and resources, and we are going to continue investing because Florida is too critical of a state. […] We cannot build national Latino political power without investing in Florida. The state must always, always, always be part of the equation”.

When stating that it is not time for national organizations and donors to give up on Florida, Annette Taddeo, “who would become the state’s first Latina governor if she wins the Democratic nomination and defeats GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis in November, has long been warning her party that they will continue losing ground in Florida if they don’t focus on and improve their Latino outreach immediately”, according to publication. 

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