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NRCC Battleground Poll: Republicans Make Substantial Advance Among Hispanic Voters

Editores | 27/02/2022 10:00 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY

This week, conservative media pay attention to a pool dropped by The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) that shows Democratic Party is losing support among Latino/Hispanic voters in 47 battleground districts. Hispanic voters are decisively moving away from Democrats, cutting the advantage down from 44% to 37% on the generic congressional ballot.

According to Breitbart, an ultra-conservative news portal created by Steve Bannon, while Hispanic voters nationwide voted for Democrats in congressional races over Republicans by a large difference, 63% to 36%, according to the 2020 election polls, the NRCC analysis found that the Democrat’s advantage has been critically reduced. “Republicans are making substantial gains with Hispanic voters because of our focus on economic issues such as the cost of gas and groceries,” said NRCC Chairman Tom Emmer in a statement. “Republicans are fighting to protect the American Dream while Democrats are pushing a socialist agenda that threatens it.”

The first key result from the poll is that Hispanic voters are “souring on the job Joe Biden is doing as President, and Speaker Pelosi is politically toxic.” The respondents were evenly divided between Biden with 46% of approval and 46% of disapproval. However, more respondents “strongly disapprove” than those who “strongly approve,” 37% and 23%, respectively.
Biden’s job approval numbers are underwater with key Hispanic demographics:
• Biden’s job approval with independents is at 35% approval and 49% disapproval.
• Biden’s job approval with males is at 41 % approval and 52% disapproval.
• Biden’s job approval with mothers is at 43 % approval and 50% disapproval.
• Biden’s job approval with those aged under 55 is at 42% approval and 49% disapproval.
Additionally, while all Democrat “leaders” saw a weak favorably among Hispanic “battleground” voters, Pelosi was the most unpopular:
• Pelosi had a 21% “strongly favorable” rating to a 39% “strongly unfavorable” rating.
• Biden had a 26% “strongly favorable” rating to a 36% “strongly unfavorable” rating.
• Vice President Kalama Harris had a 23% “strongly favorable” rating to a 35% “strongly unfavorable” rating.
• So-called “Squad” leaders had a 20% “strongly favorable” rating to a 31% “strongly unfavorable” rating.

The second key inference from the poll is that the Hispanic voters “are extremely concerned about inflation and parental involvement in education,” in addition to believing that “Republicans are better able to protect the American Dream.” Seventy-eight % of the respondents said they are extremely or very concerned about inflation. In addition to the 74 % extremely or very concerned about the cost of food and groceries and 70 % who are extremely or very concerned about the price of gas.

The third key result from the poll is that “Republicans in Congress hold significant advantages over Democrats in Congress on the issues most important to Hispanic voters.”
• Forty-two percent of the respondents said Republicans in Congress could better deal with jobs and the economy, compared to the 35% who indicated the Democrats.
• Forty-four percent of the respondents said Republicans in Congress could better deal with border security, compared to the 31% who indicated the Democrats.
• Thirty-nine percent of the respondents said Republicans in Congress could better deal with rising prices and the higher cost of living, compared to the 32% who indicated the Democrats.
• Forty percent of the respondents said Republicans in Congress could better deal with crime and public safety, compared to the 32% who indicated the Democrats.

The NRCC Battleground Survey Project asked a sample of 1,000 registered Hispanic voters in 47 “battleground” districts from January 29th to February 3rd. The questions were asked in English and Spanish, resulting in a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1%.

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