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President Biden's global quest for more oil meets political resistance

Editores | 09/04/2022 23:55 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY

The promise to update investment policies in renewable energy, during Joe Biden's presidential campaign, took on new colors when the discourse changed in recent months. The president recently announced a ban on Russian oil imports into the country amid growing calls from bipartisan lawmakers to take a stronger stand in opposition to the Russian government.

The US has also banned imports of Russian natural gas and other energy sources, at a time of increased government efforts to increase the flow of oil, especially as polls show the country's population dissatisfaction and concern about rising gasoline prices.

On the Democratic side, this shift has raised concerns among party progressives who are concerned about a possible backtracking by the president on his campaign promise to make an energy transition, moving away from the use of polluting sources such as fossil fuels. There is also discontent among Democrats over the White House's attempts to request greater oil production from countries whose regimes are considered authoritarian, such as Venezuela and Saudi Arabia.

In recent months Biden has worked to strengthen relations with both those countries and US oil companies, openly calling on the world's oil producers to increase production in response to rising gasoline prices.

As reported by The Wall Street Journal, Larry Cohen, chairman of the board of “Our Revolution” (a political organization that grew out of Bernie Sanders' 2016 Democratic presidential campaign), noted that “Whether it’s Russia, Saudi Arabia in Yemen, or oil companies, going back 100 years the foreign policy based on oil has been a disaster for this country”.
The Biden administration spokesperson stated that the intention is to take sensible steps to mitigate the effect of high fuel prices that affect American families.

“He’s been clear in recent remarks that oil and gas companies should help ensure that oil supply meets demand, and at the same time we need to advance clean energy options and decrease our reliance on fossil fuels”, according to the White House spokesman, published in the newspaper.

Samantha Gross, a climate and energy expert at the think tank Brookings Institution, noted that “analysts said the situation reflects the limited options Mr. Biden has in addressing an energy shortfall that was precipitated by several factors, including the world-wide economic rebound following the Covid-19 pandemic. With fuel prices at their highest in a decade and with little spare capacity, Biden has few options to steer clear of the oil companies he has shunned as climate polluters and foreign producers with checkered histories, said Samantha Gross, a fellow specializing in climate and energy at the Brookings Institution think tank in Washington”, according to the publication.

In addition to concerns about rising gas prices, the problem has troubled liberal and progressive groups, crucial to Democratic victories in recent years. In Florida, for example, many groups expect to see a “hardline” stance in dealing with the regimes in Venezuela and Cuba from any political party they support, according to researcher Fernand Amandi, a partner at Bendixen & Amandi International. Biden's rapprochement with the government of Nicolas Maduro is viewed with disapproval by this segment.

On the other hand, Biden's victory in 2020 counted on the support of the youth and the Latino community, in the expansion of policies guided by climate concerns, among guidelines supported by progressives. According to The Wall Street Journal, Progressive voters want the president to address inflation, but without sacrificing long-term climate and human rights goals, according to Our Revolution’s group representative. 

Despite Biden's need to stimulate oil production, which is a key variable in political calculation for the next elections, he should make it clear that the decision is punctual, and that he will not depart from the promise of progressively reducing dependence on fossil fuels. The votes of the youth and progressive sectors are essential for the Democratic Party's power project.

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