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Latino disapproval of Biden administration increases, according to new poll results

Editores | 24/04/2022 20:38 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY

According to a recent national poll by Quinnipiac University, President Joe Biden has been losing support from every demographic in the country. With 33% approval overall, Biden has just 9 percentage points higher in the approval rating compared to former President Nixon when he resigned.

On the other hand, while 33% of Americans approve of the way President Biden is governing, 54% disapprove and 13% did not have an opinion. In the poll published in April 13, 76% of Democrats think Biden is performing well, compared with 12% who disapprove of him. Among independents, Biden has 56% approval, against 26% who disapprove, and 94% of Republicans do not approve of the president's performance, against just 3% who stated otherwise.

The survey also shows that, among registered voters, 35% approve of Biden's performance in government, while 55% disapprove, and 10% have no opinion. But perhaps the most worrying number, and one that sounds like a political fanfare to Democrats, is the staggering drop-in support among the Latino population, a hugely important voting bloc that accounted for 61% in Biden's 2020 election.

According to the poll, only 12% of Latinos “strongly approve” of Biden's performance as president, while 54% “strongly disapprove” or “disapprove a little”.

“President Biden's approval rating among Hispanics has plummeted as the historically Democratic bloc's support for Republicans continues to increase, presenting an electoral problem for Democrats, whose immigration policies have fueled much of this shift”, according to “The Ohio Star”

“Hispanics represent the second largest electoral bloc in the country by ethnicity. […] Latinos’ two greatest concerns are skyrocketing inflation and crime. […] As for 2024, potential Republican candidates such as Ron DeSantis are gaining support among the group. The Axios poll showed the Florida governor’s approval at 46 percent, which is notable considering the Republican was at only 39 percent approval just three months ago. As for other looming potential candidacy of Donald Trump, he gained 8 points with Latino voters when comparing the 2016 and 2020 results (though he was still beaten by Joe Biden in this voting bloc by a wide margin), according to “The Hill”.

The immigration issue has directly affected the opinion of Latinos from border states such as Texas. More than 50% of registered Latino voters disapprove of the government's handling of the border. And as we mentioned in a previous analysis by the Latino Observatory, Biden appointed Vice President Kamala Harris as responsible for articulating a policy aimed at tackling the origins of the migration crisis in the Northern Triangle, but nothing substantial has been announced.

“Many Democrats are ringing alarm bells, warning that a significant drop in Latino participation could sink the party in districts all over the country, but they remain skeptical of Republican claims of a massive party shift in party affiliation”, points to another publication by The Hill.

Still, experts caution that poll trends are just a gauge of attitudes in an electorate that has evolved politically as it grows in numbers and spreads across the country.

According to the publication, “Joe Biden, the presidential candidate who captured more votes than any other person in U.S. history, currently has the support of just one-third of the country. The Latino community is leading the exodus — a prospect the Democratic Party could not have imagined 15 months ago after taking complete power in D.C.”.

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