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What the shooting in Uvalde means for the Latino community in the U.S.

Editores | 14/06/2022 16:26 | CULTURE AND SOCIETY
IMG Alex Wong/Getty Images

The shooting at “Robb Elementary School” at Uvalde, Texas, where 19 students and 2 teachers were killed, is negatively affecting the Latino community in the United States in a particular way for the recognition of themselves and their lives through the names and portraits of the victims of this tragedy.

“That's added a complicated layer of grief and trauma onto the community”, said Maria Maldonado Morales, a clinical social worker at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston to the NPR.

The shooting in Uvalde isn't the first to target Latinos in the country — or even in Texas. The 2019 shooting at a Walmart store in El Paso, when 23 people died, was also racially motivated.

“It's not only the loss of life, the loss of safety, but I think the community that we feel as sort of Latinos in the United States adds a layer of frustration, of sadness, of anger even. The clients that I see – I work with primarily Latino students in school settings – and many of them have said ... these kids look like me. This could have been me, or this could have been my family, or this could have been us”, Morales said.

Morales spoke with NPR’s All Things Considered about the weight that racially motivated attacks have on those communities, coping in the aftermath and the craving for a sense of safety.

When asked if the shooting in Uvalde contributes to the feeling that the Latino community is being attacked, Maria Morales replied “yes”: “I think especially to your point in this instance because the motive of the attack wasn't clear. I think that adds an additional layer of maybe uncertainty or fear because the shooter was also Latino, and so I think it adds this sort of almost level of mistrust of ‘We're supposed to be a community, we're supposed to watch out for each other, and how can we hurt each other like this’?”

For people dealing with the tragedy, Morales responded as he could advise them: “Something that I've been telling people a lot is to have really honest open conversations. In many communities, but I think particularly in Latino communities there is this maybe fear of having difficult emotional conversations because often parents don't want to seem weak or vulnerable in front of their children. Children don't want to seem weak or vulnerable in front of their parents. Everyone is trying to be strong and brave, but that sometimes brings in shame and guilt, and it can also create feelings of isolation. So I'm encouraging people to speak openly about their feelings, to share what they're feeling with each other and have these open conversations because it is uncomfortable. It isn't easy to talk about what we're all thinking about it. We're all feeling it”.

Asked what she could say to people across the country who want a sense of security, the social worker replied: “something that I recommend to people, which obviously is easier said than done, is to try and create as much of a sense of normalcy in this very uncertain world. So, if you have family routines, for example, of having dinner together, or reading a book before bedtime, and maybe also doing things that maybe seem fun, which also sounds odd because often when we feel so sad we feel like well "I shouldn't be enjoying things. I shouldn't have fun. I shouldn't experience joy," but we can hold both of those feelings together. We can feel scared and sad and also feel joy and hope. And I think that again allows a sense of normalcy in our day-to-day life. It's not going to take it away. It's not going to make it all disappear. But for a second, we can feel a sense of normality”.

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