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Major campaign group endorses Governor Greg Abbott for re-election in Texas

Editores | 25/06/2022 20:29 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY

The campaign branch of a major Latino advocacy group linked to GOP mega-donor Charles Koch on Thursday confirmed support for Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) for re-election.

Libre Initiative Action is the campaign arm of The Libre Initiative, a group in Koch's political network that champions conservative causes in the Hispanic community. The organization is heavily funded by the Koch Industries network. The Koch brothers are mega-entrepreneurs known for investing millions of dollars in political campaigns by extremist Republican candidates, hostile to environmental policies and union rights.

Daniel Garza, senior adviser to The Libre Initiative Action, “as someone who has called South Texas home for over a decade, I know what makes the Lone Star state special. That’s because at a time when other states are raising taxes, growing the size of government, and enacting heavy handed government regulations, Texas has been doing the exact opposite under the steady hand of Gov. Greg Abbott”, according to The Hill.

Abbott's endorsement comes as Texas conservatives are increasingly optimistic about their political prospects among Latinos in the state, particularly in the Rio Grande Valley, where moderate Democrats have historically won major elections. This endorsement is being announced shortly after Republican Mayra Flores won a special election on Tuesday night (14), filling the vacant seat of former Representative Filemon Vela (D-Brownsville).

While Flores was elected with extremely low turnout and will face another incumbent, Rep. Vicente González (D), in November, the state’s Republicans see an opportunity to engage Hispanic voters in a way that Democratic campaigns have not.

While Greg Abbott's economic policies align with the Libre Initiative's policy proposals, as well as much of its social policy agenda, the organization is nevertheless a long-time advocate of immigration reform, including supporting some proposals that would grant a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. The institution defends this position by making it clear that it supports immigration border security and that it understands, however, that some immigrants can claim legal status, that is, dreamers who pass a background check, register with the government, and are employed. and/or at school.

In contrast, Abbott is on the far right of the Democratic Party's understanding of immigration, among other policies that use state resources to complement federal border enforcement. In February, ahead of the primaries, three Republican Senate candidates rejected Libre's endorsement on the grounds that the organization would be at odds with Donald Trump's immigration policy, which is against any amnesty for illegal immigrants.

However, Libre's endorsement runs as the race to rule Texas is intensifying. “Libre’s endorsement also comes as the Texas governor’s race is tightening, with a recent Quinnipiac University poll showing Democratic challenger Beto O’Rourke closing in on Abbott”, according to The Hill.

“Since taking office, Gov. Abbott has looked for ways to expand opportunity and prosperity for all — including our state’s Hispanic community. It’s no wonder why so many Americans are deciding to pack their bags and head to the Lone Star State to live out their version of the American Dream”, is the statement by Daniel Garza reproduced by The Hill.

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