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Four sites shortlisted to house the Latino Museum and the Museum of American Women

Editores | 03/07/2022 18:53 | CULTURE AND SOCIETY
IMG Mike Procario/ Flickr

The Smithsonian has narrowed its search for the sites of the planned National Museum of the American Latino and Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum to four spots on the National Mall.

In December 2020, U.S. Congress authorized the Smithsonian to create the two museums, and it set a two-year deadline for the selection of their locations. The institution hired the Baltimore design firm Ayers Saint Gross to analyze the sites based on six criteria: the symbolism of the location, existing site conditions, access to transportation, environmental factors, cost and the challenges of acquiring the site.

“The historical Arts and Industries Building […] next to the Smithsonian administration building known as the Castle, is the sole site with a structure and the only one under the control of the Smithsonian. The three other options are undeveloped land: the Northwest Capitol site, located on the eastern side of the Mall […] the South Monument site, […] across the Mall from the National Museum of African American History and Culture; and the Tidal Basin site, home to a rugby […]. The U.S. Capitol has jurisdiction over the Northwest Capitol site, and the others are controlled by the National Park Service […]  Their proximity to the Mall led to their selection, Smithsonian Secretary Lonnie G. Bunch III”, according to The Post.

Officials will continue to evaluate the four finalists while consulting with members of Congress, the National Capital Planning Commission, the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts, and the Architect of the Capitol, as required by the authorizing legislation. The Smithsonian Board of Regents is expected to meet Congress’s deadline by choosing two sites before the end of the year.

“Advocates for the museums have pushed for them to be built on the Mall, considered by many to be the nation’s front lawn. The two newest Smithsonians, the African American Museum, which opened in 2016, and the National Museum of the American Indian, which opened in 2004, sit on opposite ends of this symbolic space”.

The announcement by the Board of Regents came days after the opening of the “Molina Family Latino Gallery” at the National Museum of Latin American History. This gallery will house exhibitions and programs until the opening of the Latino Museum.

The Smithsonian has gathered advisory boards for both museums. Latino Jorge Zamanillo was hired as founding director of the Latino Museum earlier this year, as reported here. Authorities are interviewing candidates for director of the Museum of American Women's History.

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