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Naturalized Citizens Could Influence U.S. midterm elections, says Report

Editores | 31/07/2022 12:24 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY

The New American Voters 2022 campaign was launched this month by the National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA) and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). In a joint press conference in Houston, Texas, at the same event, the groups introduced a new report that shows how the collective voting power of newly naturalized citizens in the country can impact midterm elections.

In a statement reproduced by the Latino Rebels, SEIU Texas president Elsa Caballero said, “Just as working people voted in record numbers in 2020 to bring about change, New American Voters will lead the charge in November to reject the cynical politics of Trump and alikes, build a government that works for all of us, and secure the American Dream”.

With the slogan “Naturalize Now. Vote Tomorrow!”, the website of the New American Voter 2022 campaign points out that “There are currently 9 million lawful permanent residents eligible to naturalize and become U.S. Citizens. Our campaign goal to Naturalize #2MillionBy2022 is a partnership among the country’s leading immigrant and refugee advocacy and service organizations, cities and counties and national advocacy organizations and unions”.

The campaign builds on the report that highlights how the population of newly naturalized people is rapidly growing at around 5.2 million people and is characterized by being multiracial, multigenerational and mostly women. The report focuses on the 4.4 million who became naturalized in response to the anti-immigrant rhetoric that was central to the GOP platform.

The findings are based on U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ naturalization data from 2016 to 2020, including naturalization applications the agency approved in 2021.

Nicole Melaku, NPNA’s new executive director, said, according to Latino Rebels, “At a time when anti-immigrant rhetoric and policies are spreading like wildfire in our country, the new American voters can uplift their voices and determine the outcome of the upcoming midterm elections in politically important states, which could influence who will control U.S. Congress in 2023”.

According to data presented by the report, “almost 90 percent of newly naturalized citizens from 2016 to 2020 are originally from the Americas, Asia, and Africa. Over 43 percent of newly naturalized citizens are from Latin America, over 37 percent are from Asia and Pacific Island countries, and those from African and European countries represent just under 10 percent. Women make up a slight majority, at 55.5 percent”.

Newly naturalized citizens are also multigenerational, with roughly one-third (31.7 percent) between the ages of 18 to 34 years old, over one-third (36.9 percent) between 35 to 49 years old, and nearly one-third (31.4 percent) 50 years old or older.

“Newly naturalized citizens constitute a formidable voting bloc. Voter mobilization efforts specifically targeting these voters are thus needed in order for their votes to be cast,” read a press release. “Recognizing their electoral power, NPNA and SEIU, along with its member organizations and national partners, are pivoting to mobilize newly naturalized citizens to increase voter registration efforts and turnout rates”, according to Latino Rebels.

The report also highlights to the top 10 states with the largest number of newly naturalized citizens. California leads the way with 733,756, followed by Florida (429,017), New York (402,904), Texas (343,799), New Jersey (177,890), Illinois (127,720), Massachusetts (120,403), Virginia (101,190), Georgia (96,469), and Maryland (89,165).

As the report concludes, “If they vote, newly naturalized citizens can sway outcomes in upcoming elections in politically important states like Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Florida, among others. The number of newly naturalized citizens from 2016 to 2020 is larger than the margins of victory for the 2020 presidential election in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin”.

“The New American Voters campaign intends to use multiple approaches including digital, social media platforms, and partnerships with mayors and counties to reach newly naturalized citizens”, as Latino Rebels notes.

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