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GOP’s voter contact app has update in Spanish

Editores | 06/08/2022 19:39 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY

The Republican National Committee (RNC) is celebrating the launch of a Spanish-language version of its voter-contact app, Campaign Sidekick, which can help the Republican Party seek greater political buy-in from Latino voters near midterm elections.
With the new updated option, the party's campaign materials will be available in Spanish, which may help them to obtain more accurate data on Spanish-speaking communities.

According to the Hill, “The RNC has already made investments in reaching Hispanic voters this cycle by establishing community centers to help GOP staff build relationships with Hispanic voters. This month, it also launched a ‘Republican Civics Initiative’ to help immigrants prepare for naturalization tests. The app update rollout comes as the RNC launches a ‘weekend of action’ to mark 100 days until the midterm election”.

The RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a statement that “The RNC has invested millions into our data and ground game infrastructure – from our dozens of community centers across the country to reaching voters at their doorstep and speaking their language, the RNC has revolutionized how we engage with minority communities. Republicans know that the challenges Americans face and the values we share transcend our differences, and that’s a message resonating with more voters every day”.
According to the Republican National Committee of Congress, 102 Hispanic candidates have applied to run for the House as Republicans this year. Republicans are betting on the candidacy of women, people from minority groups and war veterans as the key to their success in shifting control of key districts in the midterm elections, according to The Hill.

The most recent success that Republicans have celebrated in the Latino community is Representative Mayra Flores (R-Texas), who won a special election in the Rio Grande Valley, a region traditionally controlled by Democrats.

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