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Republican Party Launches First Spanish Ad in Battleground States

Editores | 06/08/2022 20:18 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY
IMG Reprodução Youtube

The Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) launched its first ad in Spanish, broadcast on digital platforms in the five battleground states, highlighting the efforts of the Republican Party in winning Latino/Hispanic voters.

The committee prepared a 30-second commercial that airs in Florida, Arizona, Colorado, Texas and Nevada to elect Republicans to state legislatures, confirming the work of the Republican Party to defend legislative chambers in Arizona, Texas and Florida, while intending to win them over in Nevada and Colorado.

The ad available on YouTube is titled “Respetan”, which means “respect”, and accuses the disrespect of Democrats in considering vote and support of Latino community as guaranteed.

According to The Hill, “The effort is the latest from the Republican Party apparatus to make gains with Hispanic voters up and down the ballot. The National Republican Congressional Committee says it has recruited a total of 102 Hispanic candidates in this cycle, while the Republican National Committee (RNC) launched an initiative earlier this month that aims to help immigrants prepare for the naturalization test. The first course started in Doral, Fla., at the RNC Hispanic Community Center. Polls also show the beginning of a shift in Hispanic support toward the GOP. A New York Times-Siena College poll this month found that only 41 percent of Hispanics said they intended to vote for Democrats in the upcoming midterms, while 38 percent said they preferred GOP candidates”.

Another research from the Quinnipiac University released one week after First Lady Jill Biden asserted that the Hispanic community is “as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio”, was published by Breitbart and other media reported that only 19% of Latinos approve of President Joe Biden’s performance and that more Latinos want the Republican Party to control the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate over Democrats. 

The RSLC's first Spanish-language ad was released after the Republican committee supported John Luhan for the heavily Hispanic Texas 118th Congressional District in the November midterm elections.

The narrator of the ad in question states that “They take us for granted. Democrats are great at pandering but not governing. And their policies are making it harder for all Americans to thrive. Good jobs, affordable gas and groceries, and a great education. These things don’t exist under Democrats’ one-party rule. Republicans believe that success lies in the freedom to prosper – because it does – and Republican policies will move us forward”.

“In a statement following the ad’s release, RSLC president Dee Duncan blasted the Democrats for thinking ‘they deserve automatic loyalty from Hispanic voters at the ballot box regardless of the harm their destructive agenda is doing to the country’. ‘Hispanic voters want good paying jobs, affordable goods, safe communities, and a quality education for their children, and the RSLC will keep deploying innovative voter contact tactics like this to remind them that those are all products of Republican leadership in the states’, Duncan continued”, according to Breitbart.

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