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First Latino Conservative Media Platform is Launched in the US

Editores | 13/08/2022 18:06 | CULTURE AND SOCIETY
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With a potential target market of more than 500 million Spanish speakers, Americano Media is a new multimedia platform for conservative Latinos. It is the brainchild of Jorge L. Arrizurieta and Iván García-Hidalgo, CEO/Founder of Americano Media, experts on Latino/Hispanic voters in the United States.

With decades of experience in consulting for presidential campaigns, Arrizurieta and García Hidalgo work with publicly traded media companies and have now teamed up to launch a new platform for this specific audience, primarily the Cuban community in Florida.

The Cuban community in Miami is a very important constituency for Americano Media. According to Arrizurieta Spanish-language newspaper and website “El Nuevo Herald” never has embraced the local South Floridian Hispanic community and is very antagonistic to its basic values. “Diario las Americas”, Arrizurieta notes, is more representative of conservative media as it is owned by a conservative Venezuelan family, which is a natural ally for Americano Media, according to him.

“The streaming and app content is available across all major platforms including Apple, Android, SiriusXM and Roku, providing information to Hispanic Americans looking to make informed choices ahead of the mid-term election season and beyond. Headquartered in Miami, Americano Media has about 80 team members including international correspondents and hosts in countries including El Salvador, Colombia and Israel”, according to Portada. With just a few months to go before the midterm elections, Latinos make up nearly 20% of the electorate. That number is growing, and with it the diversity of political trends.

“Americano Media” will feature exclusive TV programming presented by conservative personalities including: Lourdes Ubieta, Dania Alexandrino Nelson Rubio (all previously worked at Radio Mambi, a conservative Miami radio station recently acquired by another group of Latinos considered “progressives”; the presented Jesús Márquez with his program “Battleground Americano” (“a war of values and principles is being fought in the United States”, and “Battleground Americano” is on the front line); Lourdes Ubieta who leads the “Así está el Mundo”, a midday program where she covers the most important news so far and interviews with the main characters of each day, with an emphasis on international politics; among others, reported the Portada.

As it is a conservative media, Arrizurieta informed that “We view ourselves as a place where there can be a Republican coexistence from the center to the right. A place where Bush supporters and Trump supporters get along”. He adds that the group identifies with the Fox model,” he asserts. In his view, Fox’s quality programming and news are a great content mix, and he still completes: “We will keep working hard to invite all spectrums of the Republican world to work together to beat the Democrats”.

According to the same plublication, “Americano Media is a business, not a political organization,” Arrizurieta states. “During the election cycle candidates and PACs […] are going to be very significant advertisers. There is also room for traditional corporate and consumer goods advertisers”.

“Americano Media” is currently building an advertising sales team led by Andrew E. Bazner, Vice President of Sales at “Americano Media Group”. Another revenue source, Americano Media Jorge L. Arrizurieta president notes, are content sales to other radio and TV, and video properties.

As previously reported by the Latino Observatory, as a counterpoint to “Americano Media”, “a new media group, Latino Media Network, aims to gather a group of prominent Latinos negotiating a $60 million deal to buy 18 radio stations in 10 U.S. cities. A long string of Latinos are investors in the purchase – several of them democrats – which still requires Federal Communications Commission approval”. 

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