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Report points to low representation of Latinos in the media despite population growth and community consumption power in the U.S.

Editores | 02/10/2022 11:11 | CULTURE AND SOCIETY
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According to a recent survey conducted by Latino Donor Collaborative (LDC), a non-profit organization, Latinos account for 1 in 4 potential American TV and film viewers collaborating with 20% to 30% of the industry's revenue, depending on the platform, and more than 50% of its growth.

However, analyzing trends in the last five years, the study found that Latinos represented 5.2% of the protagonists in films, 5.1% of co-leaders/cast actors, 3.5% of screenwriters and 2.6% of directors. Of the main roles, half were positive representations and half were negative.

According to the report, “U.S. Latinos are largely underrepresented in conventional media compared to other groups. This lack of representation of Latinos is often invisible because non-Anglo groups are usually grouped into a category like BIPOC (blacks, indigenous people, and people of color). [...] The Latin population of the U.S. is the largest minority and the most underrepresented group in the media. Latinos represent 19% of the American population. However, the on-screen representation of Latinos streaming is 9.29%, in cable transmission is 2.33%, and in English transmission, 5.42%”.

The study evaluated the 100 best annual films in cinemas and “top” platforms, as well as prime-time, original, new, and recurring TV shows. Again, it was found that Latinos are the largest minority group and the most underrepresented in the media. “On TV shows, Latinos made up 3.1% of lead actors, 2.1% of co-leads/ensemble actors and 1.5% of showrunners”.

According to NBCNews, “There are no Latino CEOs or film and production company chairs, important decision-making roles that help greenlight stories and steer content. Only 5.7% of senior executives in show production are Latino”.

Amid the lack of representation, more Latinos are turning to social media platforms and content brands such as YouTube, TikTok and Snapchat, according to the report. It also noted that 11 of the 20 most listened to songs of the summer, according to Spotify, are from Latino artists.

The report argues that current levels of Latino representation are not sustainable for media companies if they seek to harness the fast and robust purchasing power of Hispanics, who have a younger average age of 29, than their non-Latino counterparts, 38.

Sol Trujillo, co-founder and chairman of the LDC board, said in a letter introducing the report: "Unfortunately, and based on the invisibility of this community on screen and behind the cameras, Hollywood does not seem to have a strategy to address the Latin American market."

Between 2010 and 2019, the purchasing power of Latinos increased by 69%. In 2019, Latinos accounted for 23% of all viewers and bought $2.9 billion (29%) of all box office tickets sold in English films.

“According to media studies by Nielsen and other experts, while there has been tremendous progress in diversity in Hollywood in recent years, the Latino community lashes behind at all levels of representation. The lack of strategy to include Latinos, the largest and fastest growing minority, directly translates into money being left on the table and missed opportunities. We want to help the industry solve this problem”, said Ana Valdez, President and CEO of Latino Donor Collaborative, in the report.

To boost the hiring of Latino talent, the organization has created a free database, Latino Source for Hollywood, which includes 3,000 names of experienced actors, writers and directors who have worked with major networks or studios over the past five years.

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