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November is declared as the "Month of Puerto Rican Heritage in New York"

Editores | 20/11/2022 12:51 | CULTURE AND SOCIETY

November will now be the “Month of Puerto Rican heritage in the state of New York”, Governor Kathy Hochul announced on November 11th

The governor said during a press conference in Puerto Rico’s capital, San Juan, that “It’s a recognition of this tight bond that exists now and will continue to deepen. […] But also recognizing our Puerto Rican community as part of what makes New York state so fascinating and diverse”, according to The Hill.

The governor went to the island after the midterm election on November 8 to attend the annual SOMOS conference, where members of New York’s political world officially meet to figure out how to increase Latino representation in government.

“The month-long celebration will honor the accomplishments of the Puerto Rican community in New York state and other parts of the diaspora as well as the island’s culture. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giulani declared November Puerto Rican Heritage month for the five boroughs in 1998”, according to the same publication.

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