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Marcos Cordeiro Pires / Thaís Caroline A. Lacerda / Leonardo Martins de Assis | 05/12/2022 12:08 | Analyses

With almost all the polls counted in the United States, we can already draw some conclusions from the results of the mid-term elections (or midterms). Contrary to expectations, the performance of the Democratic Party was better than expected, while the Republican Party (GOP) did not advance according to some political projections based, mainly, on the discontent of the population in the face of the strong inflationary process that acted against the popularity of Joe Biden’S government. Thus, the “red wave” that referred to the growth of the Republican Party in the US scenario did not materialize.

However, Florida, an important state in political and economic terms, ceased to be a “swing state” and became a new republican stronghold. This state, which previously voted for both Democrats and Republicans, elected many more Republicans, in addition to re-electing the Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, whose name appears to confront Donald Trump in the nomination as the Republican candidate for the 2024 presidential elections. Florida's political power owes much to the redistricting that favored the GOP and to the anticommunist positions of Cuban, Venezuelan, Brazilian and Colombian communities, among others. Furthermore, it is precisely in these communities where “fake news” and conspiracy theories are being disseminated in Spanish and in greater volume. It is no coincidence that the Democrats are investing in the formation of a radio network to confront the current hegemony of the Republicans in the state, as we reported in the Latino Observatory.

Republicans won control of the House by a slim margin, but that gives them the potential to create a series of setbacks for the Biden administration over the next two years. The president has already been facing several discontent in relation to his government, mainly with the high inflation rate in the country. Its popularity is stuck below 40%. Furthermore, the race for the 2024 presidential elections is already starting to take shape and strategies are being put into play. Taking advantage of this situation, Republicans have already promised to set up an investigation commission into the alleged illicit activities of Biden's son, Hunter Biden, in Ukraine. If this is confirmed, the polarization will increase a lot in the coming months.

f the Senate, which would prevent, for example, the advancement of an impeachment process that will probably be approved in the House of Representatives. The majority is already secured with the vote of Vice President Kamala Harris, but it could consolidate if Democrat Raphael Warnock manages to maintain his advantage in the second round of the Senate elections over Republican Herschel Walker, on December 6, 2022.

2. The elected Brazilians.

Amid the above-expected electoral performance, the Democratic Party managed to elect several immigrants. Among them, many Latinos will be in legislative power from 2023, helping to build and defend immigrant agendas. Also, Brazilians will compose the US legislative branch. Of the four Brazilian candidates running in the midterms, three were elected to the position of state representative and only Carlos Da Silva, who was running for county commissioner, was not elected.

The three elected candidates are from the state of Massachusetts and are part of the Democratic Party. Dan Senna received 74% of the votes against hIS opponent, Cathy Clark. On his Facebook page, he declares that he is very proud to be elected and thanks everyone who helped on this journey. Likewise, Priscila Souza thanked her supporters and voters on social media, declaring: “I am honored to serve you as your new state deputy”.

While the elected candidates celebrated on their social networks, Carlos Da Silva regretted having lost by such a small margin of 89 votes. He also stated that many supporters asked for a recount of the votes, however, this would be unfeasible in view of Massachusetts election laws. The candidate also received many comments from his base that expressed disappointment with the election result. Among them was Massachusetts Democratic Senator James B. Eldridge.

3. What to expect from the chosen three?

In the same ballots that voters voted for the candidates, there was also a plebiscite referring to the law that allows driver's licenses for undocumented people in Massachusetts, a very relevant issue for Brazilians living in the United States. Priscila Sousa, one of the elected candidates, carried out several campaigns for people to vote in favor of the law during the elections, as well as Dan Senna, who gave a speech defending the important achievement.

The campaign was titled “Yes on 4: For Safe Roads” being carried out by the organization Driving Families Forward Coalition. It had already been approved by the legislature, but the Republicans managed to get enough signatures to hold a plebiscite in the elections.

After counting the votes in the plebiscite, the law was approved and will come into effect next summer in the country. With this, we have an idea of ​​which agendas Brazilians will defend in their mandates. Since the campaign, they have raised flags in defense of immigrants and civil rights and, therefore, it is to be imagined that more agendas with these aspects will enter the agendas of their electoral mandates.

Dan Senna, for example, has given a series of speeches since winning the elections and participated in an award ceremony for the Brazilian community living in Massachusetts. He also attended the 16th anniversary of the Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, in Portuguese Câmara Brasileira de Comércio. He thanked the investments made in companies during these 16 years by businessmen and women.

Likewise, Rita Mendes participated in some important events during her tenure. She was invited by former candidate Carlos Da Silva to attend the Fall Democratic State Committee Meeting, at which she had the opportunity to deliver a speech. The newly elected also met young immigrants who had just obtained permanent residency in the country. Further defining her main defenses as a State Representative.

In this way, the mandate of each of the elected officials takes shape according to their agendas and the guidelines defended by them. They intend to continue working to defend what they believe in and to carry out what was proposed. It is to be expected that the coming months will be busy for the three elected and even for Carlos Da Silva who, despite not being elected, still plays an important role in the Democratic Party.

Son of Brazilians, George Santos will be a deputy in the US Congress.

Republican Party nominee George Santos won the election in New York State's 3rd District. On his election platform, he pledged to secure the "American dream" for other children of immigrants living in the United States. Son of a father from Minas Gerais and a mother from Rio de Janeiro, George Santos was born and raised in Queens, New York. He won a seat in the House of Representatives in the midterm elections in the United States in a historic race between two openly gay candidates running for the same seat. However, as the news on the G1 portal draws attention Santos is not a defender of LGBTQIA+ rights. His proposals are more focused on the economic issue and in the defense of the rights of immigrants in the country.

According to Santos' campaign website, he stated: “I now have the opportunity to serve and give back to our community. I believe the solution to many of our problems in Albany and Washington is a less bureaucratic government. Every day we see activist politicians pushing for bigger government and higher taxes; every day we see a growing push towards absolute socialism. The left's radical agenda will destroy the American Dream and the opportunity for the next generation, our generation. I'm a next generation Republican and I'm in this fight to bring common sense solutions to Washington for your family. I want to expand opportunities for all Americans. Let's fix Washington and New York. Join me in the fight!”

The Latino electorate and its connection to the youth vote in the United States

As we reported on November 27, as a result of the 2022 midterms, young voters, under 30 years of age, were the ones that caused the greatest impact on the political design in the country's current political situation. Its voter turnout was the second-highest level of youth participation in at least thirty years, trailing only the 2018 midterm election. As Latinos are among the youngest racial and ethnic groups in the country, with an average age of 30, knowing their motivations and priorities becomes very important for active players on the US political chessboard. By now, a majority of young Latino voters are known to have voted for a Democratic candidate on Election Day.

A little different from what some surveys have pointed out, which potentiated the effect of inflation as a decisive factor in the Latino vote, abortion and women's reproductive rights were also issues that were frequently mentioned among Latino youth, followed by inflation and the fight against crime. Other recurrent themes, such as health care, climate change, affordable housing, border security, immigrant rights, racism and discrimination also appeared as motivators when voting, which may vary to a greater or lesser extent between states.

As we can observe, there are contrasting proposals among the Brazilian elected officials, as well as different profiles that played in favor of their candidacies. It remains to be seen to what extent they will consider the aspirations of this important electorate that yearns for better days as Latin American immigrants who demand greater civil, political and social rights.

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