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The Congressional Hispanic Caucus calls on Nevada to host the first Democratic presidential primary

Editores | 11/12/2022 00:20 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY
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The congressional Hispanic Caucus's campaign arm, the CHC Bold Pac, has called on Democrats to support Nevada’s application to host the nation's first Democratic presidential primary.

The request comes after the last midterm elections in which Democrats successfully supported the candidacy of Senator Catherine Cortez Masto and three others in Nevada.

According to the official website, “As part of its commitment to expanding Latino representation in Congress, today CHC BOLD PAC is supporting Nevada’s application to host the First in the Nation presidential primary. In the 2022 midterm elections, Latino voters decisively backed Senator Catherine Cortez Masto, re-electing the first and only Latina Senator while also delivering the 50th Senate seat that secured the Democratic Senate majority for two more years. CHC BOLD PAC previously endorsed Nevada’s bid to hold the first primary in July”.

In a joint statement, Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.), chair of Bold PAC, the campaign arm, and Hispanic Caucus Chair Rep. Raul Ruiz (D-Calif.) said moving up Nevada’s primary will play to the party’s strengths:

“The midterm results in Nevada underscore exactly why elevating this diverse battleground state and showing a deeper commitment to hearing from Latinos and other diverse voters earlier in the Democratic primary calendar is so crucial for winning national elections. Picking a President should start with a state that reflects our shared values of inclusion and embodies our rich diversity - particularly when it comes to some of the fastest growing voting blocs in the nation”.

Nevada’s Latino electorate emerged as a key constituency for Democrats, especially after the 2020 Democratic conventions, when Senator Bernie Sanders scored a surprise victory against President Joe Biden by investing in the Latino vote in advance.

Thinking about the electoral contests in the country as a whole, the state’s Latinos have been at the center of statewide races since 2010, when then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) turned to Hispanic voters to pull a comeback victory in a dismal year for Democrats.

Also according to the CHC Bold PAC, "Nevada is the third-most diverse state in America, according to the U.S. Census Index. The state’s population is majority-minority, including nearly 30% Latino, making it the only state vying to host the First in the Nation primary that is home to a major Latino electorate. In recent years, the Latino community has become the country's second-largest voting bloc by ethnicity and a decisive factor in state and national races. Nevada is also a battle-tested early state, having been the First in the West since the 2008 election cycle, as well as one of the most consistently competitive general election battlegrounds in the country”.

Several Latino groups have called for Nevada to  be the state to inaugurate the Democratic presidential primary, which currently grants such primacy to less diverse states, such as Iowa and New Hampshire, such as Latino Victory, a Hispanic advocacy group, has been calling on Democrats to make the change for months, according to the The Hill.

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