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New U.S. Congress has record number of Latino lawmakers who are preparing to challenge the status quo

Editores | 15/01/2023 19:58 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY
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According to a 2022 post-election analysis of state and federal disputes from the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund, the current 118th U.S. Congress brings together a record number of newLatino members.  The election of 14 new Latino members will make destand congress the most Latin of all time. There will be 47 Latino members in the House, that is, 11% of the 435 members of the country.

“Though much has been made of the rightward shift of some Latino voters in recent years, these left-leaning members reflect a growing part of the Latino community whose politics have become more liberal as a result of the relative youth of their voters and in response to the rise in recent years of Hispanic candidates backed by former president Donald Trump, experts say”.

Many of the incoming Democrats were endorsed by the Congressional Progressive Caucus PAC, share working-class backgrounds or immigrant experiences, and ran liberal campaigns in congressional districts with significant Latino populations”, according to The Washington Post.

Among the Latino Republicans elected to the new Congress, Anna Paulina Luna, the 13th Congressional District of Florida representative, may be an important example and that the election of more Latinos and Latinas does not guarantee a more progressive performance. Luna is of Mexican-American descent and is part of the reactionary political movement whose slogan is MAGA (Make America Great Again), which originated in Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign in 1980. Popularized by Donald Trump during his 2016 presidential campaign, one of the goals was the incitement of hatred against Mexican immigrants.  The contradiction is that many Latinos and Latinas quickly supported the movement that has always had the support of part of the Latino electorate.

“Their support might seem counterintuitive to those who believe Latinos would turn against Trump, but there has always been a minority of Latinos who view fellow Latinos and Latinas as the “other.” What MAGA has done is give these voices a platform that not only amplifies such extremist views but also provides cover for their white nationalist allies”, according to MSNBC.

According to NALEO analysis, 12 Latino Republicans will serve in the House, five of which are new members. Juan Ciscomani will serve as Arizona's first Latino Republican representative, and Lori Chavez-DeRemer will be the first Latino to represent Oregon in the House of Representatives. In Texas, Monica De La Cruz defeated progressive Michelle Vallejo, who is also Latino, to give the Republican Party a district in the Rio Grande Valley, and then there's Florida, which elected Luna as the state's first Mexican-American representative. It is also worth mentioning the son of Brazilians, George Santos, elected by the state of New York, who faces great scrutiny after the New York Times denounced the various lies told by him during the election campaign.

Some of the liberal soon-to-be-freshman Latino members gathered recently to hold their first D.C. news conference. They talked about their legislative priorities, including immediate immigration changes and expanding the child tax credit and “also signaled that they wouldn’t shy away from using aggressive tactics to influence veteran Hispanic members of Congress, many of whom express more-moderate viewpoints than theirs”, according to The Post.

“We’re going to work really hard to not just change our own Progressive Caucus, but our Hispanic Caucus, and try to bring a new sense of urgency. We do not want to wait anymore” for change, Democrat Robert Garcia said at the press conference.

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