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Study reveals that less than 6% of news and articles about racial equity in the US refer to Latinos

Editores | 26/03/2023 18:22 | CULTURE AND SOCIETY
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In the United States, about 20% of the population is Latino, that is, one fifth of the country's population. Despite the high number, a study revealed that only 6% of news about racial equity and racism referred to Latinos. The report was published by the Berkeley Media Studies Group and UnidosUS. The research dealt with the peak of news on racism and racial issues between May and September 2020, the date of the protests that began with the death of George Floyd, and analyzed the same period in 2021 and 2022.

The authors analyzed 195,536 articles on racial issues, of which 10,963 referred to Latinos, that is, 5.6%. They also noted that there is a dramatic drop in news in 2021 and 2022. The senior director of the UnidosUS Racial Equity Initiative, Viviana Lopez Green, stated that “too often, our community is 'out of sight, out of mind'”.

Furthermore, the situation varies according to the state analyzed. California, for example, is home to almost a quarter of the entire Hispanic population in the country, representing 40% of the state's population, yet only 15.5% of news and articles about racial equity, racism and race issues refer to the Latinos. In Texas, the situation is even worse: only 4.7% of stories about racial equity refer to Latinos, even though 40% of the state's population is of Latino origin.

Speaking of the problem, Pamela Mejia, head of research at the Berkeley Media Studies Group, said, “When news focuses solely on problems without also exploring solutions, people – including policymakers – have a harder time imagining next steps”. Thus, the report made a recommendation for journalists to broaden their sources, use subtle questions and diversify the leadership of newsrooms and workspaces.

Another 2021 report released by the U.S. Government Accountability Office, revealed that only 8% of editors of newspapers, periodicals, among others, and 11% of reporters and journalists were Latino. In this regard, Pamela Mejia said “when newsrooms do not reflect the communities they represent, coverage is also expected to be incomplete”.

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