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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott slammed for calling the victims of the recent shooting ‘illegal immigrants’

Editores | 07/05/2023 09:36 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY
IMG Secretary Kelly In Texas: Pool Photos - U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

An NBC News publication reported on the  criticism of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for referring to the victims of a recent mass shooting as ‘illegal immigrants’. The shooting, which occurred in Austin, Texas, left one person dead and several others injured.

Abbott made the comment during an April 30 news conference in which he discussed the need for stricter immigration policies. His comments were immediately criticized by immigration advocacy groups and lawmakers, who argued that Abbott was politicizing the tragedy and using disrespectful and inhumane language.

Many also pointed out that the victims were not, in fact, all undocumented immigrants, and that Abbott's comment was inaccurate and misleading. The criticism of Abbott's comment highlights the ongoing debate over immigration policy in the United States and the ways in which political rhetoric can shape the public perception of immigrant communities.

The Texas Tribune also reported on the controversy surrounding the Texas governor’s comments.

Abbott has been a vocal opponent of immigration policies favored by Democrats and has pushed for stricter enforcement of immigration laws in Texas.

In response to the criticism, Abbott's office released a statement defending his comments and accusing his critics of playing politics. The statement read, in part, “It is clear that Democrats and their allies in the media are more concerned with playing political games than ensuring the safety of our communities”.

The controversy over Abbott’s comments comes at a time of heightened tension over immigration policy in the United States, with lawmakers in Washington, D.C., debating a series of proposals aimed at reforming the nation’s immigration system. The debate was particularly heated in Texas, which has one of the largest immigrant populations in the country.

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