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Florida Republicans prepare to impose new election restrictions

Editores | 14/05/2023 14:56 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY

Republicans in Florida have introduced a comprehensive set of election restrictions that they say are necessary to prevent voter fraud and protect the integrity of the election process. The proposed legislation includes a number of controversial measures, such as requiring voters to present a valid government-issued ID to vote, limiting early voting hours and restricting access to voting by mail, according to CNN news.

Opponents of the bill argue that it is designed to suppress voter participation, particularly among minority and low-income voters who may face barriers to obtaining valid ID or taking time off work to vote during limited early voting hours. They also argue that there is little evidence of widespread voter fraud in Florida and that the proposed measures will do more harm than good, making it harder for eligible voters to participate in the democratic process.

“The measures are part of a sweeping elections bill that now awaits Gov. Ron DeSantis’ signature. The 96-page package includes an attention-getting provision that would allow DeSantis to retain his position as governor while seeking the Republican presidential nomination. But SB 7050, which the Republican-led legislature approved last week, contains other changes to state law that could have a long-lasting impact on the operations of voter registration groups”, according to CNN.

The new legislation marks the third year in a row that Florida lawmakers have changed election rules in the state — a major presidential battleground that has increasingly favored Republicans. In 2021, the state passed sweeping legislation that added new limits on requesting and returning mail-in ballots.

The report notes that this is just the latest in a series of Republican-led efforts to restrict voting rights in states across the country. Democrats and voting rights advocates have resisted these efforts, arguing they are part of a larger strategy to consolidate Republican power and undermine democracy. The battle for voting rights is likely to continue for the foreseeable future, with both sides bracing for a protracted political fight.

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