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Ron DeSantis lashes out at Trump on immigration and signaled the possibility of running to the former president's right on that issue

Editores | 11/06/2023 16:59 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY
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NBC News published an article that presents an analysis of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' stance on immigration during his campaign for president of the United States. DeSantis is reportedly seeking to position himself as the true conservative on the issue, differentiating himself from his main Republican rival, former President Donald Trump.

DeSantis has emphasized his record on immigration issues and seeks to run to Trump's right, especially by sending more than 1,100 state police and National Guard members to the border with Mexico. This action is aimed at signaling his commitment to border security, one of Trump's key policy messages.

The governor has made speeches in different states, highlighting the need to close the border, build a wall and hold Mexican cartels accountable for violence and drug trafficking. His rhetoric on immigration echoes the early days of Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, when he made controversial comments about Mexican immigrants.

DeSantis seeks to attack Trump from the right flank on culture war issues, drawing conservative voters, particularly at the Iowa conventions. He broke with Trump on some issues, such as the former president's response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the so-called war on the deal. This dispute comes after the two quarreled over DeSantis' rivalry with Disney.

The Trump campaign, for its part, has launched attacks on DeSantis since the launch of his campaign, highlighting problems in his political operation and even mocking his inconsistent pronunciation of the last name.

While DeSantis is seeking to appeal to conservative voters with his tough stance on immigration, it points out that this position could be a tough sell for independents and moderate Democrats in a general election. In addition, the new immigration law passed in Florida has generated concerns and negative impacts, including the departure of migrant workers and a potential labor shortage.

The text brings testimonials from people affected by immigration policy, highlighting their concerns and the direct impact on their lives. Despite this, some people decide to stay in Florida and continue fighting for their rights.

In short, the piece offers insight into Ron DeSantis' approach to immigration during his presidential campaign, highlighting his attempt to differentiate himself from Donald Trump and appeal to conservative voters. At the same time, concerns and criticisms are raised regarding this stance and the impacts of the proposed policies.

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