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Raffi Freedman-Gurspan

Editores | 25/06/2023 15:31 | WEEK PROFILE
IMG Foto: Government of Massachusetts/ The Massachusetts Commission on LGBT Youth Commissioner Face Book Directory

Raffi Freedman-Gurspan (born May 3, 1987, in Intibucá, Honduras) is a Honduran-American transgender rights activist and the first openly transgender person to work as a White House official. She was also the first openly transgender legislative staffer to serve in the Massachusetts House of Representatives and served as director of external relations at the National Center for Transgender Equality, based in Washington, D.C.. She is a longtime activist and public policy expert on issues related to human rights, gender and LGBT people.

Freedman-Gurspan was born into a Lenca family living in Intibucá, Honduras, on May 3, 1987. The Lenca are the indigenous people of western Honduras and eastern El Salvador. Unable to be raised by her biological family, she was adopted as a child by an American Jewish couple and raised in Brookline, Massachusetts, where she attended Edward Devotion School and Brookline High School. She stated the following about her Jewish upbringing in 2016: “My Jewish identity and family played an enormous role in shaping the individual I am today… Embracing diversity and understanding different perspectives was a value I learned through Judaism. I believe this progressive Jewish upbringing, both at synagogue and at home, deeply impacted the path I took to work on public policy matters that affect the neediest in our society”.

As a teenager, she developed an interest in Norway and Scandinavia and went to Skogfjorden, a Norwegian language immersion summer camp in Bemidji, Minnesota, run by Concordia Language Villages. She identifies as Lenca and as Jewish.

Freedman-Gurspan received her bachelor's degree in political science and Norwegian with a concentration in Nordic studies from St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota, in 2009. During her first year, she studied abroad at the University of Oslo Faculty of Law where she took international law classes focusing on human rights and gender equality. She is a proficient speaker of Norwegian.

Raffi previously worked at the National Center for Transgender Equality as Policy Advisor for the Racial and Economic Justice Initiative. Prior to moving to Washington, DC, Raffi was a Legislative Director in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, LGBT Liaison for the City of Somerville, Massachusetts and worked with the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition. She also assisted in course and research work at Boston University’s Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies Program.

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