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Former Latino congresswoman challenges Republican senator in 2024 U.S. elections

Editores | 27/08/2023 12:09 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY

Former Democratic Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell announced her candidacy Tuesday (22) to challenge Republican Sen. Rick Scott, the former two-term governor of Florida, in the 2024 election. Mucarsel-Powell, an Ecuadorian immigrant who arrived in the U.S. at age 14, has emerged as a prominent figure among potential Democratic candidates. Her candidacy received support from state and national Democratic leaders, cementing her position as the Democratic challenger of choice.

According to a report by NBC News, Mucarsel-Powell highlighted the critical issues in his campaign, accusing Rick Scott of trying to raise taxes on families and threatening Social Security and Medicare Advantage coverage for seniors. She also referred to Scott’s plan called “Rescue America”, which was introduced during the 2022 midterm elections, proposing to end federal legislation after five years, including welfare programs.

“The plan included a proposal to sunset all federal legislation after five years, including entitlement programs like Medicare and Social Security. It also included language that “all Americans should pay some income tax to have skin in the game.” He later revised the proposal, but it is expected to be a prime part of Democratic attacks against him”.

The race is shaped by challenges for Democrats, as Rick Scott is seen as a front-runner given his popularity and track record of electoral victories in Florida. His ability to self-finance the campaign and his significant financial position are also considered advantages.

Despite the difficulties, Mucarsel-Powell is seen as a strong contender and is less contested than other Democrats who have launched their candidacies. Elections in Florida are of national importance, since the state has a Republican bent and influences Democrats' view at the national level about their chances of victory.

Mucarsel-Powell’s narrative as a South American immigrant who ascended to Congress is a central element of her message to voters. It emphasizes the value of opportunities in the U.S., regardless of origin.

The competition between Mucarsel-Powell and Scott will be closely watched as Florida has historically influenced presidential elections and is a crucial political battleground in the U.S. The dominant Republican stance in the state is evident by the voter registration, but Mucarsel-Powell seeks to capitalize on her appeal and the need for change, while Scott defends his policy approach and previous accomplishments.

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