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The progressive wing of the Democratic Party is betting on more diverse candidates and voters in the 2024 elections

Editores | 03/09/2023 19:54 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY

As a story in The Hill highlights, there is an important political debate about  the evolution  of the so-called progressive wing of the Democratic Party in the United States over the years, with a special focus on the growing diversity within this movement and its influence on the party's policies and directions.

Under different phases of the progressive movement, from Sen. Bernie Sanders’ insurgency in 2016, to the 2018 primary upheavals led by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the expansion of the so-called “Squad" in 2022, heading into elections in 2024, sees an even greater increase in diversity, especially among black and brown communities, according to the publication.

The diversity in the progressive movement is seen as promising, and many on the political left believe it could redefine the party in a meaningful way. It is important to emphasize that the idea of who a progressive is and what a progressive is is evolving, emphasizing that not every progressive resembles Bernie Sanders.

“Elected leaders, strategists, and grassroots organizers want the diversity evolution to show what modern leftism can look like in generations to come. The transition has been deliberate and gradual, with many seeking to course-correct the white male stereotype that defined the narrative around the early Sanders phenomenon”.

The emergence of progressive leaders from different backgrounds is highlighted by the publication, such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Cori Bush, Jamaal Bowman and Summer Lee, who have diverse life histories and are considered role models for the movement. Their personal narratives and lived experiences are key to attracting supporters and voters, as many can relate to their everyday struggles, such as paying off student loans and finding housing and food.

“Left-wing candidates’ strategies are often tied to their personal narratives in a way that few other mainstream Democrats can replicate. Politicians of all stripes use their lived experience as a tactic, but advisers who have worked closely with liberal contenders say their relatable, sometimes hardscrabble stories can be key to the movement’s growth in diversity and numbers”.

While the story mentions that the left and progressive wing are not getting as much attention from voters (or significant engagement or fundraising numbers) as former President Trump's accusations in the current cycle, progressive candidates are looking for ways to stay relevant and continue to gain political influence. In that sense, they are seeking leadership positions in major cities and Congress, with an increasing focus on diversity as a driver of the progressive movement, and still see ways to make inroads in the House, especially among the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

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