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The Evolution of Hispanic Heritage Celebration in the United States

Editores | 13/09/2023 11:04 | CULTURE AND SOCIETY
IMG Army Sgt. Nina Ramon 345th Public Affairs Detachment

The DoralFamily Journal, aimed at the Latino community in the U.S., addresses the evolution of the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month (every year from September 15 to October 15), highlighting how this event reflects the growth, power and progress of the Latino population in the country. What began to sensitize the public about the historical contributions of Hispanics to American society has turned into a celebration of the achievements, empowerment, education, and traditions of this community.

According to 2020 U.S. Census data, the Hispanic population has grown 75 percent over the past 20 years to 62 million, representing 18.7 percent of the U.S. population. Projections indicate that this number could reach 128 million (30% of the population) by 2060. Hispanics have become the second largest ethnic or racial group in the country, reshaping demographics and increasing their influence in all aspects of society.

Diversity is the greatest strength of Hispanics, enriching their cultural and economic contributions to the United States. Hailing from diverse countries in the Caribbean, Central and South America, they represent a rich variety of dialects, cultures and traditions that transcend stereotypes.

The text also highlights the economic progress, cultural and political influence of Hispanics in the U.S. Many are focused on assimilation, with a significant percentage being proficient in English and American citizens. Values such as family stability and education play a key role in their economic progress.

Family stability and education are strong values for Hispanics that impact their communities and strengthen their economic progress and influence: 57% live in a married couple household; 56% have achieved or completed high school, and 20% have a bachelor’s degree or above. Financially, Hispanics have improved their status as well in the past ten years: the median annual household income is $59,000; 51% own a home, 62% are employed, and only 18% live below the poverty line”.

The influence of Hispanics is evident in industries such as the arts, sciences, sports, politics, business and more, with notable individuals gaining prominent positions. In addition, the Hispanic population is an important political base, reflected in the increase in the number of representatives of Hispanic descent in the U.S. Congress.

While progress has been made, the text emphasizes that there is still work to be done to help Hispanics integrate into American culture without losing their uniqueness. However, the evolution of the Hispanic Heritage Month celebration in recent years reflects the growth and continued influence of this community in the United States, demonstrating a strong commitment to supporting the future and success of the country through its diversity and contributions.

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