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The story of the migrant farm worker who became a NASA astronaut became a movie

Editores | 25/09/2023 10:51 | CULTURE AND SOCIETY

 “A Million Miles Away” is a film based on the story of José M. Hernández, a former migrant farmworker who became a NASA astronaut. An NBC News story describes how the film chronicles Hernandez's inspiring journey from his childhood in California's San Joaquin Valley to his dream of becoming an astronaut.

The film highlights the importance of family and education in Hernández’s life. He grew up working with his parents in the harvest of agricultural products and attended school irregularly. However, his teacher's visit to his home had a significant impact, convincing his parents to establish roots in one place so that he could receive a good education.

In addition, the film addresses the influence of Hernández’s father, Salvador Hernández, who shared with him a "recipe" for success. This "recipe" included principles such as finding a goal, coming up with a plan, learning whatever it takes, and being willing to work hard.

The narrative continues to follow Hernández’s trajectory, from his studies in electrical engineering to his work at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The film highlights the numerous times Hernandez applied to NASA’s training program and the adversities he overcame to finally be accepted at age 42. His trip to space as a crew member of the space shuttle Discovery is one of the highlights of the story.

The publication also mentions that José M. Hernández, after his career at NASA, continued to be a source of inspiration as a motivational speaker and entrepreneur, as well as working with his family in wine production.

After previously turning down offers to bring his story to life, Hernández was impressed with the producers, writers (Bettina Gilois, Hernán Jiménez and Márquez Abella) and director’s vision. ‘I had written a couple of books and was giving motivational talks’, Hernández said in the film’s production notes. ‘My purpose is to encourage kids of any culture or race to reach their maximum potential. I saw the slate of movies this team has produced and knew these guys were serious filmmakers who could help bring my message to a wider audience’.”, according to NBC News.

The film's director, Alejandra Márquez Abella, highlights the importance of telling Hernández's story as a way to inspire people to pursue their own dreams. She also emphasizes the importance of workers who perform essential functions, such as agriculture, and how these jobs can provide a solid foundation for success.

"A Million Miles Away" is an inspiring story of determination, overcoming and achieving dreams, regardless of adversity. The film highlights the importance of believing in yourself and never giving up on pursuing goals and aspirations.

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