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Joe Biden faces more criticism over how he manages the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border

Editores | 15/10/2023 18:56 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY
IMG White House photo

The political and security challenge posed by the U.S.-Mexico border for President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party is growing. An Associated Press publication highlights how some Democrats are distancing themselves from the White House’s approach to immigration and the border, and how opinion polls indicate growing frustration with the Biden administration in this area, which could pose a risk to the president’s reelection.

According to the article, the Biden administration’s recent actions have been interpreted by some as a move toward stricter immigration policies, including resuming construction of parts of the border wall in South Texas and resuming deportations to Venezuela. These actions have drawn criticism from both conservatives and liberals, leading to intense debates over immigration policy. In addition, it points to the growing pressure on border states, where the arrival of migrants has resulted in a shortage of space, leading to temporary shelters and even makeshift camps. Democratic leaders in cities that are receiving migrants have also expressed frustration with the lack of government-provided resources.

“A Marquette Law School poll of registered voters conducted in late September gave Trump, the front-runner for the 2024 GOP nomination, a 24-point advantage over Biden on handling immigration and border security issues — 52% to 28%”.

An opinion poll cited in the AP VoteCast, suggests that the issue of border security is a concern shared by Americans of different political orientations, which could affect Biden’s popularity. While Republicans have traditionally emphasized this issue in their campaigns, Democrats also face challenges regarding immigration, especially among moderate and independent voters.

“Some 27% of Democrats disapproved of how Biden was handling the border, with one-third of Democrats who identify as moderate or conservative saying this was an issue where they disapproved of Biden’s performance, according to VoteCast. Border security was also a weak spot for Biden among independents, with 66% saying they disapproved. Sixty-one percent of Democrats said they wanted stronger law enforcement at the border, as did two-thirds of Latino or Hispanic voters (65%)”.

However, it is noteworthy that Republicans have not been successful in exploiting anti-immigrant sentiment in the past, according to Pili Tobar, a former senior Biden White House official and Democratic strategist, mentioned in the article. On the other hand, the Biden administration argues that it is working to implement balanced solutions amid a complex issue.

Immigration and border policy remains a topic of heated political debate, and its impact on future elections remains uncertain.

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