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Report Highlights Importance of Increasing Representation of Latina Women Candidates in Public Office

Editores | 15/10/2023 19:28 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY

The recent study conducted by a researcher at Santa Clara University and funded by the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) examines the growing number of Latina female candidates running for office over the past five years. The research focuses on comparing the experiences of Latina female candidates in Texas and California, as well as the underrepresentation of these female candidates in elected office.

The author of the study ‘Mujeres y Movidas’: Latina Congressional Candidate Emergence and Experiences in California and Texas, Anna Sampaio, a professor in the university’s Department of Ethnic Studies, conducted the research to analyze the historical growth of Latina candidates from 2018 to 2022. She points out that there has been a significant increase in the number of Latina candidates running for local, state and national offices, but that underrepresentation in national positions is still a relevant problem.

Sampaio emphasizes the importance of Latino representation in national offices, arguing that congressional decisions on issues such as immigration directly affect the Latino community. However, Latinas continue to be underrepresented in Congress, making up only 2.8% of the congressional body, despite making up more than 18% of the female population in the United States.

The study also highlights the challenges faced by Latina female candidates, including financial, emotional, and psychological costs associated with participating in elections. Many of these challenges are related to a lack of access to meaningful funding and state party structures. This places a disproportionate burden on these candidates compared to other contenders.

Another important point of the study is the growing violence against women in politics, including threats, harassment and physical violence. Latina candidates face this violence not only because of the political issues they advocate for, but also because of their ethnicity and gender.

In addition, the study underscores the need to support Latina candidates from states beyond Texas and California, while recognizing the diversity of the Latino population across the country. Sampaio argues that the presence of these candidates is crucial to advancing issues such as gun control, criminal justice reform, and immigration reform at the national level.

In summary, the study highlights the importance of increasing the representation of Latina women candidates in public office, as well as the challenges they face and the barriers that need to be overcome in order to achieve more inclusive and diverse political representation in the United States.

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