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New Group Vows to Audit Pledges Made During U.S. "Hispanic Heritage Month"

Editores | 24/10/2023 19:25 | CULTURE AND SOCIETY
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The Accountability Project is a new non-profit organization that aims to oversee and ensure that the promises made during Hispanic Heritage Month are kept. The project is launching with a significant investment and an advertisement in Spanish called “Y Ahora Qué? that highlights the need for substantive representation of Latinos in diverse sectors of American life.

According to an article in The Hill, the ad emphasizes that Latinos are a driving force in the American economy, but remain underrepresented in areas such as boardrooms and Hollywood. The organization will be led by Nathaly Arriola Maurice, a seasoned political strategist who served in Joe Biden’s White House. She emphasizes the importance of not only celebrating Latinx communities but also ensuring that there is meaningful representation in all areas of influence and power.

The Accountability Project plans to direct its efforts toward various power structures and institutions in the United States, with an initial focus on U.S. businesses. The launch announcement highlights that Latinos have extremely limited representation on the boards of Fortune 100 companies, despite making up about 20% of the U.S. population. The organization highlights the need to increase this representation substantially, according to the same publication.

The project is the result of years of collaboration and brainstorming with allies, including influential leaders who sit on the nonprofit’s board. The Accountability Project team plans to launch its own campaigns and support other groups that share similar goals of representation and inclusion.

At a time when issues of racial hatred and anti-Latino rhetoric are a source of concern, the Accountability Project seeks to hold society’s key institutions accountable in promoting inclusion and fighting prejudice. The organization advocates for the centering of Latino communities and their interests, including who is hired for leadership roles, what stories are told, and who narrates them.

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