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Former members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus launch super “Bold America PAC” to expand Latino participation in politics

Editores | 01/11/2023 15:40 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY

Recently, a super PAC called “Bold America” was launched by three former members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) with the goal of expanding Latino/Hispanic representation in the U.S. Capitol. The leaders of this group are New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and former Representatives Lucille Roybal-Allard and Filemon Vela. This super PAC has its focus on promoting Hispanic representation and mobilizing Latino voters.

The initiative is led by notable political figures, including Lujan Grisham and Roybal-Allard, who are also former CHC chairmen. The importance of political representation that reflects the communities they serve is emphasized, and the group seeks to pave the way for more Hispanic leaders to participate in the political process, according to a report in The Hill.

The name “Bold America” references the CHC’s campaign arm, the “Bold PAC”, suggesting that former members are building on the group's success. The CHC has grown considerably over the past decade, with the goal of moving closer to parity between political representation and the Hispanic population in the United States, which currently makes up about 20% of the country's population.

While there are currently 62 Hispanics in Congress, including Democrats and Republicans, they make up about 11 percent of the total membership, including non-voting representatives, senators, and delegates. However, the leaders of “Bold America” emphasize that their goal is not only to increase the numbers, but also to ensure that U.S. democracy reflects the diversity of the nation.

The Hill’s publication highlights the tensions occasionally observed between the CHC and the Democratic Party due to the growth of the Caucus, which has resulted in the building of a network of experienced campaign agents linked to the CHC. The group draws strategic advice from a number of experienced political figures, including former advisers to Joe Biden, agents of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and other political campaign experts.

Bold America’s initial goals include increasing Latino voter turnout and protecting CHC incumbents, as winning a majority in Congress is seen as a way to make a difference in people’s lives and lead the country toward a better future. This super PAC reflects its leaders’ commitment to driving Hispanic representation and political influence in the U.S. political landscape.

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