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A movie based on the life of a Mexican teacher who encouraged students to learn with an unconventional method, producing impressive results

Editores | 06/11/2023 16:51 | CULTURE AND SOCIETY
IMG Instagram @ederbez

The film “Radical”, released in U.S. theaters on Nov. 3, stars Eugenio Derbez, who plays Sergio Juárez Correa, an elementary school teacher who introduces an innovative teaching method to his students, including Paloma Noyola Bueno, a 12-year-old girl from the Mexican border town.

The real story happened in 2012, when students at José Urbina López Elementary School, located in an impoverished area near a garbage dump in Matamoros, Mexico, exceeded all expectations by getting the highest scores on the national standardized test, outperforming even students from elite schools, NBC News reported.

The film is based on the educational approach of Juárez Correa, who was inspired by the experimental teaching method of Sugata Mitra, an Indian teacher who developed an approach that encourages children to learn for themselves, with the use of computers and group work, rather than traditional lessons.

Eugenio Derbez, who plays the lead role of the teacher, highlights the unique approach of his character, who does not want to assume a position of authority in the classroom, but rather to be a colleague and friend to the students. The film aims to thrill viewers, just like other iconic films about inspirational teachers, such as “Dead Poets Society” and “Stand and Deliver”.

According to NBC, “Access to economic and educational resources is correlated with success on standardized tests, with U.S. recent data showing a wide gap between the haves and have-nots: The New York Times reported that students from families in the top 20% of earners were seven times more likely than those in the bottom 20% to score at least 1300 on the SAT, which could open the door to the top colleges nationwide”.

The film focuses on the story of Paloma, one of Juárez Correa's students, who overcame the difficulties of growing up in a poor family and is now studying law.

Derbez hopes taking Paloma's life story to the big screen will deliver a compelling message to moviegoers everywhere: ‘Try even if you fail, but try’.” 

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