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Polls show that Joe Biden continues to lose support from the Latino electorate less than a year before the presidential election

Editores | 15/11/2023 13:24 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY
IMG Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America

The loss of support for President Joe Biden among the Latino/Hispanic electorate has been the subject of electoral debate in the United States, less than a year before the presidential elections. Two polls, one  by The New York Times/Sienna and the other  by CBS/YouGov, indicate that the president’s support among Latino voters in six key swing states has decreased by 33 points compared to the 2020 results.

While Biden still maintains a single-digit lead among Latinos in states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the poll finds that the Democratic Party generally wins by a larger margin with this demographic. Former President Trump garnered support from 42% of Hispanic voters in swing states, a significant increase from 2016 and 2020.

According to  the Latin Times, the polls highlight the importance that Latino voters attribute to economic issues in their voting decision. Most believe Trump would be more effective than Biden in managing the economy, being three times more likely to consider economic issues than social ones when deciding their vote. This is particularly notable among Latinos without college degrees, where Biden appears to be facing greater resistance.

Russell Contreras of Axios suggests that specific groups, such as Latino ranchers and Mexican-American oil workers, are turning away from Democrats due to concerns about protecting endangered species and efforts to divest from fossil fuels, without an immediate alternative to good-paying jobs.

In short, Biden’s loss of support among Hispanic voters, pointed out by polls, indicates significant electoral challenges for the Democratic Party in the run-up to the 2024 elections.

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