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Democratic Campaign Groups Unite to Reach Latino Voters on YouTube

Editores | 15/11/2023 14:34 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY

A partnership between a Latino voter outreach network called Somos PAC and the Democratic Party's largest Super PAC (Political Action Committee), Priorities USA Action, was unveiled earlier this month.

These groups are joining forces to launch a six-figure bilingual ad campaign exclusively on YouTube, aimed at reaching Latino voters in swing states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, according to a report by The Hill.

“YouTube is the next battleground when it comes to reaching voters who will be key to reelecting President Joe Biden: hardworking Latinos,” said Melissa Morales, founder and president of Somos PAC.

The campaign targets the Latino working class and praises President Joe Biden’s efforts to control insulin prices, a move that is popular with many Hispanics. The choice to utilize YouTube as a platform for the campaign is based on the fact that Hispanics spend significantly more time on this platform than the general population, according to a recent report by Equis Research. Additionally, YouTube’s audience is younger, making it an effective way to reach new Latino voters.

Also, according to the publication, the campaign’s message aims to highlight Biden's policies that positively affect the lives of Latino workers and the importance of involving this key constituency for the president’s possible reelection. Economic issues are emphasized, as they have historically been a priority for Hispanics, although changing media consumption habits have made it more challenging to get that message across to new voters.

The partnership between Somos PAC and Priorities USA Action effectively seeks to reach and persuade Latino audiences, recognizing the importance of this constituency in politics and its growing influence, particularly in the context of elections in the United States.

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