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Gallup poll shows Biden’s approval rate is still higher among blacks and Latinos compared to Trump

Editores | 17/01/2024 14:47 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY
IMG Foto: Gage Skidmore -

Data from the new pollreport conducted by Gallup shows that Joe Biden may even be losing the support of a key population in the US elections. Biden's approval rating has fallen among all major subgroups of society, highlighting a particularly sharp drop among young adults and so-called “people of color” (blacks and Latinos).

According to the poll, Biden’s overall approval rating is 41% among adults, which is down eight percentage points from October 2020, when it was 49%. “Mirroring the trend in his job approval ratings, his favorability is down by more than 15 points from his elevated ratings above 50% in his first year as president”.

“After receiving similar ratings near 50% from all age groups in October 2020, Biden is now viewed most favorably by older adults (47%) and least favorably by those aged 18 to 34 (30%). The 18-point decline in his rating from young adults is double what he has suffered among middle-aged adults, while he has hardly lost any ground with older adults”.

Among blacks and Latinos, the survey shows a significant drop of 16 points since the aforementioned period. The survey also highlights that while overall approval is still higher among people of color, the drop in this group was even greater (16 points to 48 percent) compared to white adults (down 4 points to 38 percent).

On the other hand, former President Donald Trump's image, after seeing a 15% drop in 2021 among these demographic groups, appears to have improved, with Blacks and Latinos now eight percentage points more likely to view him favorably compared to before the 2020 election (35% today vs. 27% then). “White adults, however, are less positive toward Trump now (46%) than in 2020 (54%)”, according to the poll.

“Despite feeling less positively toward Biden, young adults’ views of Trump are no different today than in October 2020, with 42% viewing him positively now as they did then. Trump’s rating is also back to 44% among middle-aged adults, while it is seven points lower, at 41%, among adults aged 55 and older”.

According to a reportby Axios, Democrats are responding to the downward trend in approval among the aforementioned population by increasing spending to attract people of color. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee announced a $35 million investment for engagement with Latino, Black, Asian American and Pacific Islander voters. This investment will be directed primarily towards research, paid media, organizing, education and voter protection, including combating misinformation through its “POWER The People” campaign, which launched on Tuesday.

“The latest results are from a Gallup poll conducted Dec. 1-20, with 1,013 U.S. adults. While these ratings represent the American people’s overall feelings about the two front-runners for the 2024 presidential nominations, they do not necessarily reflect the views of the voters who will go to the polls in November”. 

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