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Research Reveals Nearly Half of Latino Adults Use TikTok in the U.S.

Editores | 13/02/2024 15:41 | CULTURE AND SOCIETY
IMG Solen Feyissa -

A recent analysis conducted by the Pew Research Center on  Americans’ use of social media presents data on the use of the platforms most used by Latino/Hispanic adults in the United States, with special emphasis on TikTok.

The survey, conducted between May 19 and September 5, 2023, surveyed nearly 6,000 U.S. adults, addressing their use of various platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, among others.

The results highlight that approximately half of Hispanic adults in the U.S. utilize TikTok, showing a significantly higher adoption rate than other demographic groups. While TikTok is popular among Hispanics, there is also an overall growth in the platform’s user base, with 33% of all U.S. adults reporting its use, representing a 12 percentage point increase from 2021, according to the NBC News report.

Additionally, the survey reveals that Hispanics are more likely than the general population to utilize WhatsApp, with 54% of Hispanic adults and 51% of Asian adults surveyed reporting its use, compared to 31% of Black adults and 20% of white adults.

The Pew Research Center’s associate director of research, Jeffrey Gottfried, in conversation with NBC, highlighted the significant growth of TikTok's user base, in contrast to other social media platforms that have experienced more modest growth or no growth at all over the past two years. Gottfried emphasizes the importance of understanding the relevance of these platforms within different demographics to address challenges such as online misinformation, data privacy, and security.

The research provides valuable insights into social media use among Hispanic adults in the U.S., highlighting TikTok as a platform on the rise in this demographic and underscoring the importance of understanding how these platforms affect and are utilized by the general population and its subgroups.

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