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The Democrats’ lead among Latino and black adults has reached new lows

Editores | 13/02/2024 16:47 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY
IMG foto: Steven Braeger

A recent Gallup poll revealed a significant shift in party preference among demographic groups in the United States, with a particular focus on Latino and Black voters.

The study shows that the Democrats’ historic lead among Latino voters is shrinking, reaching a new low of 12 percentage points over Republicans. This downward trend began in 2021, during the first year of the Biden administration, after a period of steady advantage during Donald Trump’s administration.

In addition, the analysis highlights that black voters are also showing a decrease in support for the Democrats, with a lead of only 47 percentage points, the smallest recorded since 1999. The poll highlights that this shift was particularly pronounced toward young adults and adults ages 30 to 49, who are becoming more divided or leaning toward Republicans.

On the other hand, “The Democratic Party is generally not seeing major declines among other key groups, including women (who retain a solid Democratic preference), adults 65 and older (who are evenly divided), and White adults (who align with the GOP)”.

White adults continue to favor Republicans, with a 16 percentage point gap over Democrats. This preference has remained stable since 2010. The poll also notes a decrease in Democratic support among young adults, reaching the lowest level since 2005.

In summary, the Gallup study highlights a significant shift in party preferences in the United States, with a historic decrease in the Democrats’ advantage among Latino and black voters, as well as a trend of increasing support for Republicans among young adults and middle-aged adults. These changes could have important implications for the future political and electoral landscape in the United States.

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