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The Hispanic Caucus in the U.S. declares opposition to Biden’s possible restriction on asylum applications

Editores | 05/03/2024 19:15 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY
IMG foto: The White House

Reports of possible executive action by the Biden administration have triggered swift reactions from progressive groups and advocates for the right to immigration, highlighting the sensitivity of the issue and the desire for a humanitarian and balanced approach. The possibility of using presidential authority to restrict the entry of certain foreigners raises questions about the balance between national security and individual rights, especially in a context where immigration has been a polarizing issue.

In this regard, a vehement denunciation by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) against reports of possible changes in the asylum process proposed by President Biden amid criticism at the southern border, reflects concern for human rights and the search for sensible solutions to migration challenges.

The president of the CHC, Nanette Díaz Barragán, expressed her opposition to any unilateral action by the White House that could compromise the safety and rights of migrants, highlighting the importance of asylum as a legal right and a humanitarian tradition dating back to World War II, according to a report published in The Hill.

“Migrants have the legal right to seek asylum when they arrive at our border. The asylum has provided refuge for families, women and children, and other vulnerable populations since World War II”, Barragán said.

The congresswoman’s emphasis on the ineffectiveness of isolated executive measures to solve the problem, and her critique of the political instrumentalization of immigrant communities, resonate with the need for comprehensive and collaborative approaches. She points out that many of the changes discussed would not adequately address the root causes of the migratory flow and warns against the simplistic enforcement policy that ignores the complexity of the situation at the border, according to the same publication.

The government's lack of consultation with members of Congress was highlighted by Barragán and underscores the importance of legislative cooperation and transparency in the decision-making process, especially on issues as crucial as immigration.

According to a statement published by The Hill, the CHC’s willingness to collaborate with the administration and other members of Congress to pursue pragmatic and humane solutions demonstrates a commitment to a fairer and more effective immigration system based on policies that address the underlying causes and provide adequate resources for an orderly process at the southern border.

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