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Biden Campaign Brings Trump Warnings to Latinos

Editores | 13/03/2024 22:03 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY
IMG Foto: The White House

The campaign of President Biden's re-election team aims to portray former President Trump as someone who has no respect for the Latino community and who has a hostile stance toward them. The campaign plans to highlight Trump's past actions and rhetoric toward Latinos, targeting economic, health and immigration issues to appeal to Hispanic voters, according to The Hill.

Campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez emphasizes Trump's lack of respect for Latinos and his dismissive stance towards them. The Biden-Harris campaign's strategy includes highlighting Trump's policies and proposals that could harm Latino families, such as cuts to Social Security and Medicare, as well as restrictions on immigration and access to health care.

In addition, according to The Hill, the Biden-Harris campaign plans to focus on specific issues that affect Latino voters, such as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program for "Dreamers" and family separations at the U.S. border. The economy is a central concern, with Biden's team highlighting Hispanic unemployment during Trump's tenure compared to the current reduction in the unemployment rate.

Meanwhile, the Trump 2024 campaign, represented by press secretary Karoline Leavitt, rejects Biden's criticism, insisting that Trump is preferred by many Hispanic voters due to his policies and approaches to issues such as inflation, borders and crime.

Biden's campaign strategy seeks to undo the gains Trump made among Latino voters from 2016 to 2020 by connecting Trump's policies and statements to the fears and concerns of the Hispanic community. Julie Chavez Rodriguez, as the first Latina to lead a presidential campaign, plays a crucial role in this effort to attract the Latino vote and undermine Trump's support among this demographic group.

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