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Kamala Harris Seeks Support from Latino Electorate By Teasing Economic Gains

Editores | 18/03/2024 10:41 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY
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Vice President Kamala Harris recently concluded a tour of western states, including Arizona, Nevada, and Colorado, where she delivered President Joe Biden's State of the Union message to Latino voters and bolstered their support. In an interview with NBC News, Harris outlined reasons for optimism among Latino voters about the economy and jobs, though he acknowledged that many still don't fully feel the economic recovery.

During her visit, Harris emphasized the positive aspects of the economy under the Biden administration, including wages outpacing inflation, job creation and low unemployment, especially among Latinos. She also pointed to specific policies that have benefited Latino families, such as limits on drug prices and student debt forgiveness, highlighting their direct impact on the Latino community, according to the NBC News report.

However, Harris acknowledged the challenges, especially in reassuring Latino voters that they are experiencing better economic times. Inflation, especially in essentials like food and rents, and the fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic, which has resulted in lost jobs and income for many Latino and Black families, are major concerns.

Polls show that Biden's approval among Latino voters has declined, with an NBC News poll indicating an approval rating of just 35%. “Biden and former President Donald Trump were tied among Latino voters (Trump 42% and Biden 41%) who were asked whom they would vote for in a rematch. In 2020, Biden won 65% of Latino votes, compared to 32% for Trump”.

The economy and jobs are top concerns for Latino voters this election cycle, and Harris pointed out that there is still more work to be done, including issues such as housing, health care costs and childcare. In addition, the issue of immigration is a pivotal point, with Harris advocating for a pathway to citizenship for eligible immigrants and criticizing the Republicans' approach to this issue.

However, reproductive rights issues are also in focus, with Harris mentioning that the majority of Latino voters support abortion rights in certain cases. The discussion on these themes reflects the diversity of concerns within the Latino community and highlights the importance of addressing a variety of issues to secure the support of this crucial constituency.

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