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Biden and Trump Campaigns for November Elections Highlight Immigration

Editores | 03/04/2024 11:41 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY
IMG Foto: Joe Biden: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America (source: Joe Biden); User:TDKR Chicago 101 (clipping) Donald Trump: Shealah Craighead (source: White House) Сombination: krassotkin

The duel drawn by President Joe Biden’s campaign and Trump’s (supported by a super PAC), focused on ads related to the issue of immigration, aiming to have a significant impact on voter turnout in the November elections. The ads present distinct narratives about immigration, reflecting the strategies and positions of the two parties.

Biden's campaign advertising is primarily aimed at Latino voters, criticizing former President Donald Trump and his rhetoric about immigrants. The announcement highlights comments from Biden questioning Trump's statements and promoting a more inclusive view of immigration. The video aims to reach a diverse audience, airing in English and Spanish in several swing states, according to NBC News.

Now he says immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country”, Biden says in the 30-second spot, which appears to use his remarks from a campaign event this week in Phoenix: “What the hell was he talking about?”.

On the other hand, the pro-Trump super PAC announcement, titled MAGA Inc., focuses on criticizing Biden's immigration policies, highlighting his opposition to the border wall and blaming him for what is described as "daily chaos" at the border. The video seeks to question the effectiveness of Biden's immigration policies and reinforce the narrative that he has rolled back security measures implemented during Trump's term, according to NBC.

The daily chaos at the border is the fault of one man — Joe Biden”, said MAGA Inc. spokesperson Alex Pfeiffer in a statement. “Biden reversed the Trump policies that stopped illegal immigration”.

Both ads reflect the importance of the issue of immigration in election campaigns, especially amid the concerns of American voters about the issue. Polls indicate that a significant percentage of Americans consider immigration to be one of the most important issues facing the country. The competition between Biden and Trump on this issue is evidenced by data showing different voter perceptions of which candidate would be better at border security and the humane treatment of immigrants.

In addition, the ads highlight previous confrontations between Biden and Trump over the issue of immigration, including visits to the border and exchanges of criticism between the two political leaders.

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