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The U.S. State Department announced the launch of a program that promises to address labor shortages and resettle refugees

Editores | 01/05/2024 16:04 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY

The Welcome Corps at Work (WCW) program, recently launched by the U.S. Department of State in partnership with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Talent Beyond Boundaries (TBB), represents an innovative approach to address both the shortage of skilled labor in the United States and the challenge of refugee resettlement. This initiative is a response to the growing demand for skilled workers in key sectors such as health, information technology, education, and manufacturing, while offering refugees the opportunity to rebuild their lives with dignity and sustainable integration.

By connecting employers in the U.S. with qualified refugees, WCW not only fills gaps in the workforce but also provides refugees with a chance for meaningful reintegration into a new community. Through the support of private sponsors, refugees receive assistance during the first 90 days after their arrival, including housing, basic needs, and guidance to access services such as schools and medical care, thereby promoting a smooth transition to their new lives in the United States.

In addition to its humanitarian impact, WCW also benefits American employers by providing them with access to a skilled and diverse source of labor, contributing to the growth and prosperity of their companies. The program not only meets the economic needs of employers, but also promotes core values of inclusion and opportunity for all, according to the report published by the IRC.

As a partnership between humanitarian organizations and the U.S. government, WCW pledges to demonstrate a joint commitment to promoting labor mobility and creating opportunities for refugees across the country. This initiative not only offers a practical solution to complex challenges, but also reflects the shared belief that everyone deserves the chance to build a better future, regardless of their background or past circumstances.

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