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Conservative Group Will Spend Millions to Attack Biden's Economic Policies to Rally Latino Voters

Editores | 09/05/2024 17:41 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY
IMG President Joe Biden

The political organization Libre, affiliated with the billionaire industrial brothers Koch, announced a significant voter engagement effort and an advertising campaign targeting members of Congress who support President Biden’s economic policies, which they label as “punitive economic policies.

Libre plans to launch a multimillion-dollar campaign that will include digital ads, public events in places frequented by the Hispanic community and a new Spanish-language website ( criticizing what they call “Bidenomics”, a term adopted by conservatives to attack Biden's economic policies.

While there is positive economic data such as job growth, the economy is still a concern for President Biden and Democrats, especially among Black and Latino voters. Libre seeks to appeal to Latino voters as an important group for Republicans as the party tries to expand its appeal among that community.

Libre's campaign aims to hold accountable lawmakers who support policies that the group believes have contributed to inflation and rising costs of living. They are targeting more than 20 Democratic congresspeople in several states, including swing states like Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania.

Latino voters are considered crucial in states such as Nevada and Arizona, and they are expected to play an important role in the battle for control of the House of Representatives. While traditionally leaning toward Democrats, some Republicans, including Trump, have been able to boost their support among Latino voters.

On the other hand, pro-Democratic groups are also investing significant resources to mobilize Latino voters in favor of Biden and other important Democratic candidates, according to data from the aforementioned article:

Two Latino voter groups, Somos Votantes and Somos PAC, have also come to Mr. Biden’s aid with historic investments comparable to those from Libre. The liberal organizations have earmarked $33 million to mobilize Hispanic voters for Mr. Biden and other key Democratic races in several battleground states. Somos Votantes plans to put $24 million toward expanding nonpartisan voter education programs”.

Libre’s “BideNOmics” campaign has targeted Senate Democrats in several states and House members in close races across the country. They plan to run digital ads and hold community events, mostly at Hispanic grocery stores, where attendees will hand out gift cards to buy food, to promote their message critical of Biden's economic policies.

One of the ads features a Latina blaming the president’s policies for the difficulty in achieving the American dream, while the website criticizes the Biden administration's policies that have allegedly contributed to inflation and the high cost of living.

This Libre initiative shows how economic issues and appealing to Latino voters are at the center of political debate in the United States, with opposing interest groups mobilizing resources to influence the outcome of elections.

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