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GOP focuses on Biden's critical immigration record to gain advantage in the 2022 election races

Editores | 24/01/2022 00:23 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY
IMG Defense Visual Information Distribution Service

The struggle for power in the upcoming state elections in the United States is brewing even more between Republicans and Democrats. With the arrival of Joe Biden as president of the country, Republicans plan how they can exploit the current president's main weaknesses in order to gain political control in the House.

It is not by chance that the issue of immigration is a problem for Biden in this scenario of fierce disputes. As we mentioned in our previous post, the president must face attacks from right-wing politicians and analysts who accuse the government of benefiting people who have violated federal immigration law, and it encourages illegal immigration. On the other hand, he has to face “friendly fire” for inaction in matters related to it.

As reported by CNN News, Donald Trump administration’s head of immigration policy Stephen Miller, has called on supporters and candidates in the upcoming Republican Party elections to strategically expose the “glaring vulnerability of Biden”, taking the issue as the central dialogue in the face of the reported immigration crises on the US border.

After a year in office, Biden faces a huge drop in his popularity with around 42.5% approval and 51.8% rejection. The current president has also faced criticism from leftist analysts and the progressive wing of the Democratic party.

Our analysis pointed out that one of the themes that fuels this frustration is immigration: “a change in the direction of this policy was at the heart of Joe Biden's electoral promises, precisely to seek the support of the large Latino community present in the United States”. In this regard, two issues stood out: the lack of change in Trump's guidelines that created the Remain in Mexico policy, which prohibits immigrants from entering US territory to apply for asylum, and the failure to legalize about 11 million "undocumented" immigrants” who live in the United States illegally.

Other immigration policies of the Trump administration were upheld by Biden, such as the “public health order” that allows for the rapid expulsion of immigrants found at the border, and the aforementioned policy that requires them to remain in Mexico until the date set by the immigration court. in the United States. As a result, many undecided voters who found Trump's policies cruel don't understand how they can now trust Biden.

With the fragility of the issue and the dissatisfaction surrounding Biden, groups that condemn immigration see an obvious opportunity in the elaboration of campaign tactics by anti-immigration Republicans, who see the vacillation of the current administration as an opportunity to capitalize on midterm elections.

Concerned primarily with the problem of inflation, the organization called “Federation for American Immigration Reform”, as its president commented to CNN, will invest large sums to launch advertisements based on these problems that will be translated into Spanish, which may be important for reach the Latin electorate.

“In 2020, Trump, despite his hardline immigration policies, made inroads among voters in Hispanic areas nationwide. The Republican National Committee plans to capitalize on that and ramp up its outreach to Hispanic voters, according to spokesperson Emma Vaughn”, according CNN’s publication.

To that goal, Democratic lawmakers vowed to continue pursuing a path to immigration reviews after the Senate lawmaker (sort of a General Secretary at the Senate desk) rejected several attempts to include immigration provisions in the Build Back Better legislation.

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