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A growing frustration with the Biden administration’s immigration policy could undermine the support of the Latino community in the country

Editores | 14/06/2024 22:52 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY
IMG Office of the President of the United States

Recent analysis has warned of growing frustration among Latino voters regarding President Joe Biden's immigration policy, with a specific focus on Arizona.

Biden's executive action to restrict access to asylum at the southern border reveals the challenges immigration poses to his campaign, especially among Latino voters, who have historically supported Democrats on this issue. Voters who supported the Democrat in the last election are unhappy with the increase in migrants and Biden's lack of fulfillment of immigration reform promises.

Polls indicate that immigration is a growing concern for Latino voters, with many beginning to support the Republican stance of greater border controls. This is reflected in the rise in approval among Latinos for policies such as building a border wall.

Carlos Odio, co-founder of Equis Research, according to NBC News, notes that immigration is not the top issue for Latino voters, but it is a deciding factor. The perception that Democrats have failed to deliver on campaign promises on immigration has diminished the advantage the party used to have among Latino voters. In addition, polls show that many Latinos now believe Republicans could handle border control better.

Biden's recent executive order was justified as a response to legislative inaction due to Republicans' blocking of bipartisan immigration reform proposals. The initiative was widely criticized by immigration advocacy groups for failing to offer a compelling narrative in counterpoint to Republican arguments on the issue.

In Arizona, the Republican proposal to allow local authorities to arrest and deport people suspected of being in the country illegally evokes memories of SB1070, which caused a stir among Latinos in 2010.

While some right-wing Latinos support Trump's rhetoric, there is also resentment among longtime immigrant families toward new migrants seeking asylum. Latinos who supportBiden “say there also is time for the Biden campaign to win back wavering voters by aggressively reminding them of Trump’s explicit promises to execute ‘the largest domestic deportation operation in American history’.”.

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