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A Poll Reveals Latinos in the U.S. Consider Voting for Biden for Anti-Trump Sentiment

Editores | 21/06/2024 22:13 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY
IMG Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America

Recent studies have indicated a possible shift of Latinos to the right in the upcoming presidential election, but a new CBSNews poll suggests otherwise. Many Latinos seem to be more inclined to vote for Biden, not because they agree with his policies, but to avoid the re-election of the presumed Republican candidate, Donald Trump.

The survey was conducted by CBS News and YouGov, interviewing 2,063 adult U.S. residents between June 5 and 7. The sample included an overrepresentation of voters in crucial states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

The results show that support for Biden among his voters is primarily driven by an anti-Trump sentiment. The majority of respondents stated that the main reason for voting for Biden is opposition to Trump, rather than a true affinity for Biden or his policies.

Regarding the economy, the poll reveals that this remains a significant issue for voters, with a more negative perception currently compared to March. This results in Biden not having a clear advantage among Latinos/Hispanics, a group he won in 2020. Notably, more Latino voters believe they will be financially better off if Trump wins, rather than Biden.

Immigration remains a targetable issue. About 70% of respondents support Biden's recent executive order limiting entry to the southern border to a daily maximum of 2,500 people. However, many voters think Trump's policies would be more effective at the southern border. Some 49% believe Biden's policies would increase border crossings, compared to just 5% who think the same of Trump's policies. In addition, 30% said Biden's policies would have no effect on crossings, while 24% said the same for Trump. Only 20 percent think Biden's policies would slow crossings, compared with 70 percent for Trump.

Trump has strongly criticized Biden's executive order, describing it as a “small plan” that he considers pro-invasion and favorable to human and drug trafficking.

On possible solutions to immigration, nearly six in 10 voters would support a new government program to deport all undocumented migrants, including one-third Democrats. A similar majority would like local authorities to identify the undocumented, and nearly half support the creation of large detention centers to determine who should be deported.

These results coincide with another study by The New York Times, which shows a shift in public opinion, with half the population now supporting mass deportations. Trump, aware of these changes, reaffirms that if elected, he will carry out mass deportations, using local police with immunity from legal challenges and, if necessary, the National Guard.

In summary, the CBS News poll highlights that while Biden can still count on the Latino vote, this support is primarily driven by a desire to avoid Trump's reelection, and not necessarily by strong approval of Biden's policies.

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