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Latinos in Minnesota Perceive Tim Walz Favorably

Editores | 22/08/2024 16:55 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY
IMG Office of Governor Walz & Lt. Governor Flanagan

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz's relationship with the state's Latino community could influence his candidacy as Vice President Kamala Harris' running mate. Although Minnesota has a relatively small Latino population, Walz was careful not to ignore them as governor, promoting policies that benefited this community, such as improvements in education, health care, and labor rights. He was the first governor to attend a major Latino cultural event in St. Paul, to demonstrate his commitment to inclusion.

Walz implemented policies that facilitated access to higher education, especially for immigrants, and supported the expansion of benefits such as paid family leave and health care, including for those without legal status. His administration also secured the passage of a law allowing undocumented immigrants to obtain driver's licenses, a move that, while criticized by some, is seen as beneficial to the state's economy, according to NBC News.

Minnesota's Latino community is mostly made up of people of Mexican descent, with groups of other Latin American origins growing recently. Walz has a history of engaging with these groups, which can be crucial in swing states like Arizona and Nevada, where the Latino population is significant.

Despite the support Walz receives from the Latino community, he faces criticism from Republicans, who argue that his policies, such as high taxes and social benefits, come at a high cost to businesses, especially Latinos. However, Walz is recognized for his effort to connect with the Latino community and for promoting inclusive policies that seek to reduce racial and social inequalities in the state, the publication highlights. 

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