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Cid Wilson

Editores | 03/09/2024 17:27 | WEEK PROFILE

Cid Wilson has been the President and CEO of the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (HACR) since July 2014, where he leads a growing team of talented and dedicated professionals. With more than 30 years of experience in corporate finance and equity research on Wall Street, Wilson works closely with corporations, CEOs, board directors and chief diversity officers to increase Hispanic representation at all levels of the American corporate environment. He also directs programs that encourage Fortune 500 companies to increase the inclusion of Hispanics in areas such as employment, procurement, philanthropy and governance.

Wilson is considered one of the top national leaders on the topic of diversity, equity, and inclusion in executive positions in Corporate America. He is a frequent speaker at events in the U.S. and globally and is a reference on topics such as diversity on corporate boards, ascension to the position of CEO, corporate acculturation, and inclusive empowerment. His trajectory is widely recognized by the media, including appearances in major outlets such as CNBC, CNN, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today and many others. In 2022, during Hispanic Heritage Month, he rang the closing bell of the Nasdaq along with members of HACR.

As a public figure for HACR, Wilson promotes Hispanic inclusion through direct advocacy in companies, through leadership, traditional media, and engagement with employee resource groups and diversity leaders. He has a unique ability to communicate within the upper echelons of major U.S. corporations, which is an advantage for creating partnerships and strengthening relationships with existing corporate members. Wilson also sits on global boards and initiatives, including the Fortune Global Summit Advisory Board and Minnesota Expo 2027, which seeks to bring the World's Expo back to the U.S. after more than 40 years.

His commitment to diversity goes beyond Hispanic inclusion, also encompassing women and other ethnic minorities. He is president of the Alliance for Board Diversity (ABD), which includes organizations such as Catalyst Inc., The Executive Leadership Council, and Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics (LEAP). In 2022, President Biden appointed Wilson to the Presidential Advisory Commission on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics.

Wilson holds a bachelor's degree in Economics from Ohio State University and began his career on Wall Street in 1993, achieving national recognition as the top expert retail analyst by Forbes in 2006. He is an influential thought leader, serving on corporate boards and interacting with company directors and CEOs throughout his career. In 2021, he was inducted into the Ohio State University Diversity and Inclusion Hall of Fame for his lifelong achievements.

Proud of his Dominican roots and Bergen County, NJ, Wilson has served the community through participation on the boards of advocacy nonprofits such as LatinoJustice PRLDEF and Unidos US. As an advocate for youth empowerment, he serves on the national board of Junior Achievement USA and has a long history of involvement in community and educational causes.


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