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Joe Biden faces pressure to be effective in his outreach to Latino voters by the 2024 election

Editores | 11/06/2023 16:46 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY
IMG Foto: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America

President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party have faced many challenges as they seek re-election and maintain the support of Latino voters in the United States. While Democrats have traditionally relied on the support of this electorate, Republicans have been gaining influence among Hispanic voters, which requires a greater effort from Democrats to secure their advantage.

According to an Associated Press article, Democrats won 57 percent of the Latino vote in the 2022  midterm elections, down from the 63 percent Biden received in 2020. Meanwhile, “39 percent of Hispanic voters supported Republicans last year, a slight increase from the 35 percent who supported former President Donald Trump’s re-election bid”.

One of the issues highlighted is the importance of Democrats authentically engaging with the Latino community, addressing their concerns and policy issues effectively. The use of stereotypes or cultural gaffes, such as the incident in which Biden played the song "Despacito", can alienate Latino voters and undermine Democrats’ efforts.

Republicans have sought to influence Hispanic voters, especially in Florida, by portraying Democrats as far left and promoting conservative stances on immigration and the economy. Those messages have resonated with some Latino voters, particularly among newcomers from socialist countries.

However, Democrats argue they are making significant efforts to reach out to the Latino community, with historic investments in mobilizing that electorate. They highlight the economic and health policies implemented by the Biden administration as examples of its commitment.

While the Associated Press article mentions the challenges facing Democrats, it also highlights some positive actions, such as the nomination of Julie Chavez Rodriguez, Cesar Chavez's granddaughter, to lead Biden's re-election campaign. That appointment is seen as encouraging and symbolic, given Rodriguez’s union record.

The article highlights the importance of Democrats working to maintain the support of Latino voters by addressing their concerns and policy issues in an authentic way. Republicans are gaining influence among that electorate, which requires a greater effort from Democrats to secure their advantage in future elections.

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