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Kamala Harris' new Communication Director apologizes for tweets posted over 10 years ago about illegal immigrants

Editores | 15/01/2022 23:13 | POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY

Jamal Simmons, recently announced as Kamala Harris’ Vice President of Communication, is apologizing for tweets he made 10 years ago about "undocumented people" in the United States that were recalled after his appointment.
According to a CNN publication, “a trio of tweets from November 2010 got renewed attention in the day since Simmons' hiring was reported. In one, he wrote, ‘Just saw 2 undocumented folks talking on MSNBC. One Law student the other a protester. Can someone explain why ICE is not picking them up?’. “Minutes later, he responded to a user saying he was "not mixing anything or suggesting ICE should pick them up. Just seems odd u can go on TV & admit breaking law & not be arrested”. 

On the same day, Simmons wrote on Twitter again suggesting the arrest of the two people mentioned.

In a statement obtained by CNN, Simmons wrote: “As a pundit for much of my career I have tweeted a lot and spoken out on public issues. Sometimes I have been sarcastic, unclear, or just plainly missed the mark. I sincerely apologize for offending those who care as much as I do about making America the best, multi-ethnic, diverse democracy it can be. I know the role I am taking on is to represent the Biden-Harris administration, and I will do so with humility, sincerity and respect”.

On January 7th, Simmons stated on Twitter: “For the record, I've never advocated for, nor believed that Dreamers should be targeted by ICE agents. I've been for DACA + comprehensive immigration reform for years. Frankly, it's depressing ppl can forget about every other thing I've said in public on this bc of bad tweets”.

Also according to CNN “News Harris, Simmons' new boss, leads the administration's diplomatic efforts in stemming the flow of migration from the Northern Triangle and she's faced scrutiny and criticism in her role, including from Republicans who have sought to cast her as the face of the Biden administration's politically perilous immigration issues. She has also faced criticism from progressive immigration activists who say the administration has not done enough to unwind former President Donald Trump's immigration policies after about a year in office”.

“The news of Simmons' hiring was the first of what is expected to be a kind of communication overhaul for the vice president, who spent her first year in office in "defense mode" after a plethora of reports, including from CNN, of fights and dysfunctions of employees”. 

Simmons, according to various biographies, has worked in politics and media for more than two decades, helping elect former Democratic presidents such as Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. as well as appearing on CNN, NPR, MSNBC and CBS, among others.

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