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Latino superheroes stand out for fighting real problems faced by the Latino community

Editores | 16/10/2022 12:42 | CULTURA Y SOCIEDAD
IMG La Borinqueña - Edgardo Miranda- Rodriguez, Elliot Fernandez & Juan Fernandez -

Some comic book creators and graphic novels are using Latin characters to challenge real-life issues. New Yorker Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez, for example, created the character “La Borinqueña”, a Puerto Rican superhero who fights for issues affecting the Caribbean Island, including climate change, economic displacement, renewable energy and Black Lives Matter.

“In 2015, while writing stories for Marvel, Miranda learned that Puerto Rico had amassed an $80 billion debt. He decided to write his first graphic novel (which is independently published) to raise awareness and raise money for grassroots non-profit organizations in Puerto Rico”, according to NPR.

“La Borinqueña is unapologetically an Afro-Boricua, a Black superhero of Puerto Rican descent who is also an activist”, says Miranda.

In his first adventure, La Borinqueña did not fight a supervillain; she dealt with a huge hurricane that left the island in complete blackout. The book was published months before Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico in 2017, killing more than 3,000 people and destroying thousands of homes.

As NPR notes, “The latest issue of La Borinqueña commemorates the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Maria and comes at a time when Puerto Ricans are dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Fiona, with no electricity or running water. It talks about the importance of climate-resilient reconstruction to reduce future impacts of natural disasters. Miranda partnered with the Natural Resources Defense Council to publish the special edition issue featuring celebrity activist Rosario Dawson”.

Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez wrote in a statement: “It was important for us to reflect on the power and resiliency of Puerto Ricans as they continue to sustainably rebuild from the disasters brought on by Hurricane Maria. At the same time, we must hold local and mainland U.S. leaders accountable for the harmful delays in distributing promised resources and services to the island in the aftermath. Puerto Rico, the island itself, and especially the people who call it home - deserve more”.

La Borinqueña is now a part of the collection by the Smithsonian and has been featured at the Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York and art exhibitions around the world. Actresses Dawson and Zoe Saldana have voiced La Borinqueña for a call to Latinos asking them to register to vote.

Another artist who excels at this type of venture is Kayden Phoenix, a third-generation chicane who grew up in the Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles. Her team of comic book superheroes, called “A La Brava”, undertake social justice actions that combat feminicide, teen suicide, school gun control, child trafficking and domestic violence.

Phoenix says she wants to go beyond the old superhero stories. According to her, "How many times can you save Metropolis or Gotham or Central Park or the world? If the team wants to save the world or the planet, you think of the Avengers or the Guardians of the Galaxy”, she says. “But who's going to save a real girl?”, according to the same NPR publication.

Also according to the publication, her team “A La Brava” includes:

“Jalisco”, a Mexican Folklorical dancer with blades on the edges of her dresses. She takes on the fight against femicide in Mexico.

“Santa”, from the Texas-Mexico border, has divine strength. “She’s my brawler and she has deja vu. Santa faces off against a corrupt politician called ‘Ice’. He's symbolic of ICE and all the detention centers and everything that comes with that”, says Phoenix.

“Loquita”, a Boricua-Cubana from Miami, balances high school life with being a supernatural detective.

"Ruca”, a Chicana from East L.A. has “instant karma, so whatever, whatever you do to her, she can throw back right at you”.

“Bandida”, a Dominican gunslinger in New York. “Bullets ricochet off of her”, says Phoenix. “She infiltrates a Broadway theater group and ends up taking it down for abusing the females”, she told NPR.

As more Latino superheroes are featured in movies and on TV, these two comic creators hope their characters make it to the screen someday, too. And they'll be armed with powers to take on real-world problems. 

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